International Civil Society Demand New UN Protocol for Climate Induced Migrants


December 6th, 2010, Cancun. Today in UNFCCC official premise Cancunmesse international civil society leaders demanded New UN protocol for Climate Forced Migrants as Universal Natural Person.” Among others the demand voiced and supported by Green Peace International Executive Director Mr. Kumi Naido in the seminar titled “Climate Induce Migrants: Need of New UN Protocol” held at auditorium Aguila, it is organized by EquityBD jointly with CSRL, Jubilee south, LDC Watch, SAAPE and Shaptahik. The seminar was moderated and the key paper presented by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, the Chief Moderator, EquityBD. Among other the seminar was spoken by Kumi Naido, Executive Director, Green Peace; Mizarul Kayes, Foreign Secretary, Government of Bangladesh; Maria Lauren Theresa, Secretary General, Asia Pacific Research Network; Dorothy Gurrera, Focus on Global South; Kate Blogejenic, World Development Movemnet and Dr.Ahsan Uddin, Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood. Abdul Awal of SUPRO has given conclusion remarks.

EquityBD jointly with Jubileesouth has been doing this global campaign since 2009 and they have same seminar in December 2009 in CoP 15 Copenhagen. So far they collected around 100 signatures of the prominent organizations from Asia, Africa and Latin Amercia. In his presentation Rezaul Karim Chowdhury has presented possible climate forced migrants figures from different regions; especially he mentioned the stern report figures which have estimated 200-250 millions climate induced migrants by the year 2050. He has also mentioned that the issue is already in UNFCCC negotiation table included in the Tianjian text and also in the proposal of G 77 plus China draft although it is not in concrete form.

On 5th December, EquityBD and other four other partners has organized the same seminar in the “Dialogoclimatico” a CSO /NGO premise in down town Cancun parallel to UNFCCC CoP 16. Where among other Jubilee south International Coordinator Ms. Beverly Keen also spoke, she has given detail deliberations of the situation in Latin America. In 6th December seminar Kumi Naido mentioned that forced migrants should not be considered as dispensable, he expressed full Green Peace solidarity on the campaign. Kate Blogejenevis of WDM, mentioned that his county like UK should take responsibility of this climate induce forced mirgrants .as it is part of their reparation of already accumulated climate debt. Dorothy Gurera of Focus on Global South said UNFCCC must get out of marker based solution; it has to be in human centric solution, where rights for climate induced migrants should be a centre point. Mari Lauren Theresa of APRN mentioned that this struggle for climate migrants rights is a part of greater social struggle that people of south seeking justice from northern countries. Dr.Ahsan Uddin mentioned that such an increase number of climate induced migrant’s in fact increasing social safety net budget of Government of Bangladesh in fact which is extra burden for Bangladesh in development budget. Mizaurl Kayes, Foreign Secretary of Government of Bangladesh, he highlighted the issue with relation to the securitization aspects. He said that, especially in this respect UNFCCC should not end up with a declaration will be a mere “creative ambiguity”.

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