Denounce Climate Axis of Evil: Break the G77 and China Group


Durban, 8th December 2011. Today in a press conference in official premise of UNFCCC CoP 17 six Bangladeshi civil society networks in a press conference commented USA, India and China as climate axis of evil and urged LDC and SIDS country to break the G77 +China group and urged to emerge as separate negotiation group in UNFCCC and also in all other global negotiation process too.

The press conference was jointly organized by Bangladesh Poribesh Andolan (BAPA), Bangladesh Indigenous People Network on Climate Change and Biodiversity (BIPNet), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change in Bangladesh (NCCB). The press conference was introduced by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, moderated by Ziaul Hoque Mukta of CSRL, written statement of the group read out by Dr. Ahsan Uddin of CSRL, the statement was complemented by Raja Debasish Roy of BIPNet and vote of thanks and conclusion was given by Mizanur Rahman Bijoy of NCCB.

In the written statement the group reviewed the ongoing negotiation process and observed that, “China and India as the key players of BASIC group, in collaboration with Annex 1 lead USA, using the camouflage of G 77 and China, have kept the current negotiations at the False Bay of South Africa and traded off the well being of millions of people through out the developing world”. They also said “we denounce the act of Axis of Evil that has already committed increasing number of deaths and destructions to the most vulnerable countries.” They urged African Group, the SIDS and the LDCs to come out of the illusion, accept the reality, formally protest and dissolve the G 77 and China, and learn to negotiate on their own.

Ziaul Hoque Mukta mentioned, India and China did such a camouflage also in WTO negotiation process which in fact given the chance of advantage to the developed countries. Raja Debasish Roy said that government in LDCs are rather being hostages in such a horse trading, peoples in vulnerable countries can not be waited until CoP 18 to 20 for climate change resolution.

Please Download [Bangla press] [English Press] [Statement]

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