Climate Induced Displacement Deserve New UN Protocol


IndexDhaka, 7th April 2016. Today 12 civil society organizations and network facilitated by COAST has organized a seminar at Cirdap international conference centre, title “Setting Agenda for World Humanitarian Summit Istanbul: Climate Induced Displacement, Humanitarian and Right Perspectives”. Where the speakers urged to place the issue of climate induced displacement in UN World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) which to be held in later of this month, they also urged government and other international government to demand new UN protocol for climate induce displacement. The co organizers of the seminar were BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, BNNfWHS, BCJF, CCDF, CLEAN, CGC, CDP, CSRL, FEJB, EquityBD and COAST.
The seminar was Chair by Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Chairman PKSF, the seminar was moderated by Mr Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST, Chief Guest of the seminar was French Ambassador Mrs Sophie Aubert, other guests of the seminar was Mr. Shaha Kamal Secretary Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Mr Jeremy Wallard of OCHA Bangkok and Dr Atiq Rahman BCAS. Other speakers of the seminar were Mr Shamuddoha of CPRD, Mrs Hasina Inam of DCA, Mr Nayeem Waraha of BRAC, Mr Hasib Khan of RIC, Mr Nasir from ActionAid, and Mr Mahbub CARE. Key note presentations especially on WHS has given by Mr. Shawkat Ali Tutul COAST and on advocacy on climate induce displacement given by Mr Sayed Aminul Haque COAST.
French Ambassador Mrs. Sophie said Climate induced displacement is happening because of human error it is not the natural phenomena. Ministry Secretary Mr Saha Kamal said that government delegation in the WHS summit will place the issue of climate induce displacement as Bangladesh is hardly responsible for climate change impacts. Dr Atiq Rahman of BCAS, the developed countries that are responsible for high carbon emission they must consider to take responsibilities of climate induce displacement, it will be more than 20 million in Bangladesh by the year 20150, and he also mentioned this is highest security issue too. Mr Jeremy Wallard of OCHA said that Bangladesh will get highest importance in the WHS process especially in high level session on disaster and climate change. Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST mentioned that now the cross boarder issue of climate induced displacement has been recognized in state led initiatives facilitated by the Nansen Initiatives, civil society is doing track two campaign to support of Bangladesh especially to get new UN protocol in this regard, there will be side event with 15 global civil society and humanitarian organizations in Istanbul. Dr Qazi Kholliquzaman Chair of the seminar said that Bangladesh has the capacity to solve the problem with own capacity but it has to raise the issue in international level continuously.

Please Download Related Paper [Bangla Press] [English Press] [Presentation Shakat Ali Tutul] [Presentation Aminul haque] [Brief Paper] [Concept note]

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