Inclusive civil society participation crucial for SDG process


IMG_9917_IndexToday 22 April 2017. Today in a seminar right based civil society group urge the government for ensuring effective strategy and action to increase human capacity in order to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goal). They also opine that the developing human capacity, government should strengthen her institutional capacity, especially to ensure inclusive civil society participation in this regard. The seminar held at National Press Club, Dhaka with the title “SDGs and Voluntary National Review (VNR) in Bangladesh: Perspective Citizen Participation” jointly organized by ADA (Asian Development Alliance), EquityBD (Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh), SUPRO (Shusashoner Jonny Procharavizan), GACP (Global Campaign against Poverty) and SDG Watch Bangladesh. The seminar was Chaired by Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman, Chairman- PKSF, other key speakers were Md. Abdul Mannan, State Minister-Ministry of Finance & Planning as chief guest, Dr. Monsur Alam Khan, Senior Asst. Secretary-Economic Relation Division as special guest. The seminar was moderated by Md. Abdul Awal, National Coordinator-GCAP (Global Campaign against Poverty) and among others Mr. Emranul Haque Chowdhury, Chairman-CDF, Dr. Abdul Matin, BAPA (Bangladesh Poribesh Andoloan), Mr. Tapan Das, CAMPE (Campaign for Popular Education), Dr Nilufar Banu, BUP (Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad) and Mr. Shafiqur Rahman, ADD (Action on Disability and Development) are also spoke as expert in the seminar.

The seminar has facilitated three key note presentations on SDGs those are Poverty & Inequality by SDG Watch Bangladesh, Education & Health by SUPRO and Climate Change & Global Partnership by EquityBD. The key note has focused the current issues on, (i) Reducing inequality between rich and poor, (ii) Give emphasis to coastal poor to develop critical infrastructure and saving coastal people from climate change impact and (iii) Strengthen government capacity to stop loopholes to prevent tax dodging and illicit flow if government want to augment internal resource mobilization.

Dr. Qazi Kohiquzzaman said that the increased human capacity is imperative for sustainable development and the standard rate of investment in human development should be at least 17% of GDP. But due to resource constraint, government is unable to required investment. However we have seen light of hope, because our Prime Minister is committed and there are huge workings has done so far in the process.

The State Minister MA Mannan said that we need strong institution for economic and social development but impossible without cooperation of people and CSOs. We might have difference of opinion but should come and work together. Dr. Monsur Alam Khan said that Bangladesh is preparing national policy on development cooperation and aid effectiveness. In that case development aid will be received more aligned with notional priority and which will increase the effectiveness of international cooperation.

Mr. Tapan Kumar opined that despite substantial progress in primary education, more than 50% learners could not cross the level five which is a bleak perspective. He recommended government to take initiatives to declare as primary level up to class eight and which is mandatory. Dr. Nilufar Banu said that without gender consideration SDG would not be achieved, because this issue will touch all SDG target and output indicators. There are two issues of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) charter i.e., Equal Rights of woman in asset and Child Marriage, yet to be resolved by the government and which are related to SDG achievement.

Md. Shahidullah said that achieving sustainable development is required policy transformation that facilitates real pro-poor economic growth and development beyond present traditional approach. He also critic on the targets of 7th five year plan that is very traditional and will be achieved but unsolved the critical issues like inequality, environment degradation etc.
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