International Agencies should use Bangla in Bangladesh: BDCSO Process at Country level and CCNF at Cox’s Bazar observe 21 February


Dhaka, 22 February 2021: BDCSO Process calls for building a local civil society with Self dignity while observing the International Mother Language Day. The network arranged a series of online discussion in 4 divisions while CCNF in Cox’s Bazar and COAST Foundation arranged a staff conference as the gathering to Shaheed Minars was restricted due to COVID-19.

The core spirit of 1952 Language Movement and the sacrifice of lives is the appreciation of self-dignity and breaking the shackle of oppression. The declaration of 21 February as the International Mother Language Day brought Internationalism and Universality of human right onto it. Taking this broader spirit into account BDCSO Process, CCNF and COAST Foundation organized these activities for observing this day with a vision to build a conscious civil society in the country with self-esteem.

Major district level CSO NGO participated to the virtual discussions arranged by their divisional committee on 21 and 22 February. CCNF (Cox’s Bazar CSO NGO Forum) organized a separate online discussion in Cox’s Bazar focusing the special scenario there. COAST Trust on 21 February evening organized a separate virtual meeting for around 500 staff members.

Being chaired by Mr. Abu Murshed Chowdhury, Co-Chair of CCNF, the speakers of the meeting in Cox’s Bazar urged the international agencies including UN to facilitate Bangla as the official language for the humanitarian and development interventions. They said that the locals hardly can participate to the meetings while it is conducted in English.

Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Chief Moderator of BDCSO Process and Mustafa Kamal Akanda, DIrector of COAST Foundation were present in all the virtual meetings held at divisional level on behalf of the central secretariat. Belal Hossain of Prottasha moderated the meeting of Khulna, Sayda Yasmin of AFAD moderated the meeting of Rangpur, Khandaker Faruk Ahmed moderated the meeting of Mymensingh and Shuvankar Chakrabarti and Anwar Jahid led the meeting in Barishal. The meeting for COAST Foundation staff members was moderated by Mr. Sanat Kumar Bhowmik, Deputy Executive Director.

A leaflet titled “The Spirit of 21 February Makes Us Brave and Self-Reliant” was prepared and sent to the participants beforehand so that they can discuss on it. The content of the leaflet facilitated the discussion how the spirit of 21 February is aligned with building the local level CSO to be self-esteemed. The text solicited the local CSOs not to lose their dignity while applying for foreign fund since they are motivated to a great cause for the society. Rather they would rethink to mobilizing local resources and build a sustainable CSO.

BDCSO Process, EQUITYBD, CCNF and COAST Trust also attended to the Shaheed Minars in the morning to put their wreath on the mound and they followed the COVID-19 restrictions as instructed. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury said in his speech that, BDCSO Process from now on will observe all the national days and will correlate the spirit of the day with their organizational motto. This initiative would help the young generation to be patriotic and the local CSO/ NGO would more self-esteemed to serve the local people.

Please download related paper [Bangla Press] [English Press] [Leaflet]


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