Campaigning Against Pesticides and their Companies


index_pDhaka, 9th October 2013: Today in a press conference held at the National Press Club organized by the World Rural Women’s Day Observation National Committee, a countrywide network of civil society right groups, urge mass people to raise voice and awareness against Pesticides and their companies to save the rural public health.

The committee say that, their members in 64 districts will observe the World Rural Women’s Day during 9th to 13th October 2013 by raising awareness through organizing rallies, seminars, honor to the especial rural women for there extraordinary contribution for public, drama and Potgan to raise voice against the pesticides and their companies and to promote alternative methods of pesticides.

A leaflet published with the name and address of the 64 districts committees and a flipchart depicting pesticides for awareness has been launched, presented and distributed to the press during the press conference today.

Mrs. Shamima Akhter, the Vice Chairperson of the national committee moderates the press conference while Mr. Asif Iqbal, a member of the committee reads out the written statement. Other speakers of the press conference are Mrs. Salma Akhter, the President of Faridpur Committee and Mrs Nazma Akhter, the President of Tangail Committee. Mr. Mostafa Kamal Akanda of EquityBD gives welcome and introductory speech.

In the written statement the committee says that, during the period of 1954 to 2010 the use of pesticides in agriculture in Bangladesh has been increased six times than that time. One vegetable farmer uses pesticide around 150 times in one session. There are 377 pesticides in 97 groups are being used in our country and most of them are already banned in the developed countries.

It is also said that, only 4% farmers are aware of how to use pesticides. 87% of the farmers hardly take any steps to keep away of the hazardous impacts of pesticides. Most dangerously, 5% of the farmers intake different food and smoke during their pesticide spray and this is how they directly intake toxic chemicals in their body.

It is mentioned in the press conference that different studies show that, as the health impacts for using pesticides 30% farmers suffer from irritation, 28% farmers from respiratory diseases and 13% from eye diseases.

There are several local alternative and indigenous methods instead of toxic chemical pesticides that could be used by the farmers in local level. They should be publicized and promoted.

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