Climate finance monitoring

Dhaka, 26th April 2011. Today civil society rights group in a press conference held at national press club said that, transparent and effective use of climate trust fund which has been contributed from national revenue is a pre condition to draw attention of donors, they also emphasize to form...
Dhaka, 19th February 2011. Today eleven civil society organizations and networks urged government to Reject World Bank (WB) PPCR (Pilot Project on Climate Resilience) loan in respect of climate adaptation. The organizations and networks are ARPON, Bangladesh Krishak Federation, DCI, CSRL, CDP, Lead Trust, EquityBD, IEE, On Line Knowledge...
Dhaka, September 28,2010. Civil Society (CSO) leaders have urge to the government to ensure full transparency in handling of all climate and development related funds. The demand was raised from a human chain program held to observe the global day of “RIGHT to Know” in front of the national...
Speakers expressed their worries in a post budget press conference saying that this year budget would increase class and income disparity instead of reducing the burden of poverty on the most of the population including the poor. The press conference was held today at the national press club...
Dhaka, 27th May 2010. Today in a seminar held at national press club, Dhaka the civil society organizations expressed worries on the transparency and accountability mechanisms in the implementation of Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) of the government of Bangladesh, as it is overwhelmingly controlled by Bureaucrats and Ministries....
Dhaka, 18th February 2010. Today, an alliance of eleven rights organizations, called the government to make clear the role of the World Bank in the management of country’s Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF). The alliance, led by Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh, made this call through organizing a...
Dhaka, 16th February 2010. Today EquityBD, along with twenty one other right based organizations, organized a rally and human chain in front of national press club, Dhaka in parallel to the on going ‘Bangladesh Development Forum’ meet while they claimed that the development partners in Bangladesh and their allied...
04 February 2010: Today Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD), an alliance of rights based organizations, called the government to establish country’s sovereign authority on the management of Multi Donor Trust Fund ( MDTF) which is going to be operationalized soon for the climate change adaptation in Bangladesh....
Dhaka 20 June 2009: 20th June, on the day of World Refugee Day, Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and several other organizations organized a Human Chain in front of the National Press Club Dhaka while they demanded international commitment and justice to combat forced displacement caused by...
Dhaka 21st December 2008. Today through organizing a press conference at National Press Club, Dhaka, Equity and Justice Working Group (equitybd) has concluded its three month long campaign on sensitizing political and CSOs opinion against the involvement of the World Bank in the management of proposed Multi Donor Trust...

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Stopping 2% Black Money and Capital Flight may Finance another Padma...

CSOs Demands for Public Expenditure Review Commission Dhaka, 29 June 2024: CSOs in a press conference today in Dhaka demanded a Public Expenditure Review Commission...