Climate justice

A Coffee Table Book titled "A Tale from Climate Ground Zero" is going to be launched today in Geneva, Switzerland. Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali MP, the honourable Minister Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh will launch the Book in the conference on Disaster and Climate displacement, jointly organised by the...
Dhaka, 30th September 2015. Today in a seminar organized by CANSA (Climate Action Network South Asia) , Action 2015 and EquityBD, title “ SDG and Paris Climate Conference : Redlines in View of MVCs People Expectations” civil society leaders urged Prime Minister to lead the climate negotiation process and...
Dhaka, 9th September 2015. Today five civil society climate networks and two climate journalist associations of the country in a joint press conference, express concern on present Environment and Forest Minister and Ministry role and urge Prime Minister to take lead in CoP (Conference of Parties) 21 Paris climate...
Dhaka, 29 April 2015: The coastal embankment of Bangladesh erodes every year and the government spend hugeamount of money for its maintenance. But if the landless people were allowed to live on the slope of the embankment they would happily maintain the embankment through making their livelihood on it....
South Asia and Indian Ocean regional conference on Climate Change, Disaster and Human Mobility Khulna 5th April 2015: South Asia and Indian Ocean regional conference on Climate Change, Disaster and Human Mobility is held during 3 to 5 April 2015 organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Govt. of Bangladesh in cooperation...
Khulna, 2nd April 2015: Today fourteen Bangladeshi civil society organizations and networks have organized a press conference in Khulna press club, and they have mentioned that “Climate induced displacement deserve protection regime in national, regional and international level”. They have organized the press conference on the eve of inter...
Dhaka, 21st March 2015. Today in seminar speakers opine that, the issue of climate induced displaced people deserve special policy options and support to ensure their relocation and rehabilitation. They were speaking in seminar titled `Rights of Climate Migrants: Pollicy Options at National and International Level’ held in the...
Dhaka, 24th December 2014. Today in a joint press conference organized by all the country’s civil society climate networks criticize and condemn Bangladesh delegation role in climate conference which have had held during 1 to 13 December in Lima, capital of Peru, they said that the delegation role has...
Lima, 11th December 2014. Today in a press conference held at the media centre of UNFCCC (United Nation Framework Convention for Climate Change) CoP (conference of Parties) 20 in Lima, civil societies from Bangladesh as the representative of MVC (Most Vulnerable Countries) and LDCs (Least Developed Countries) have criticize...
Lima, 4th December 2014. Today in a press conference held in Lima at media centre, UNFCCC (United Nation Framework Convention for Climate Change) CoP (conference of Parties) 20, civil societies from MVC and LDC have a press conference titled “Expectation from CoP 20 in view of MVC and LDC...

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Bangladesh should focus on self-dependent climate plan fighting climatic impacts

Dhaka, 05 December 2024.  In a press conference, Civil society organizations (CSOs) has recommended government to look forward with self-dependent climate plan fighting climatic...