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Dhaka, 14th October 2016: Today in a press conference held at the National Press Club organized by the National Committee on the Observation of the International Rural Women Day, a countrywide network of civil society right groups, urge mass people, respective private and public sectors to ensure sexual and...
The second preparatory meeting of International Rural Women’s Day (IRWD) observation national committee was held on 01 October, 2016 at COAST central office as the secretariat of IRWD. Representatives from so far 20 organizations across the country participated in the meeting and shared their upcoming programs for this year. In...
Today 8th September 2016, nine right based civil society networking organizations coordinated by EquityBD has organized a press conference at national press club and urged to honorable PM (Prime Minister) for reorganizing her international negotiation strategies focusing the climate induce migrant issue. The speakers have criticized the Ministry of...
Dhaka, 20th August 2016. Today different right group network of the country and region has organized a seminar title “Climate Issues in CoP 22 and Islamabad SAARC Summit” held in CIRDAP Auditorium, Paltan, Dhaka. Speakers in the seminar urged Bangladesh government delegation to rise cross boarder implications issues of...
Dhaka, 19th August 2016. Today all local national and international non-government organization (NGO) along with UN organizations has observed the 19th August World Humanitarian Day as declared by United Nation, through a seminar held in CIRDAP auditorium, Dhaka. Speakers in the seminar emphasized the capacity development of first humanitarian...
Dhaka 22 June 2016. Today in a roundtable jointly organized by the Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on MoF&E and COAST Trust in the conference room of Parliament Media Center, titled “Climate Change Impact, Recent Cyclone and Save Coast” around 35 coastal Member of Parliaments (MP) said that they...
Dhaka, 18th June 2016. Today 28 civil society, labour and farmers organizations criticized the Finance Minister and the govt. as the proposed national budget 2016 – 17 has ignored the dire situation of the cyclone Roanu affected coastal people. They expressed their grievance on during a human chain and...
Dhaka, 15th June 2016. A group of rights based civil society organizations have termed the proposed allocation for the agriculture sector in the national budget of 2016-17 as inadequate and inefficient. They said, the budget don’t have specific and effective measures to face the national and global challenges of...
Dhaka, 7th June 2016. Toady 7th June Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) a net work of right based civil societies, farmers, labors and NGOs, has organized a press conference at national press club Dhaka title “ Budget 2016-17, Stop capital flight must be a priority rather than...
Dhaka, 4th June 2016. Today 28 civil society, labour and farmers organizations in a joint rally and human chain, today in front of national press club, criticize the Finance Minister and the govt. that the proposed national budget 2016 – 17 was blind to the 40 millions coastal people...

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Stopping 2% Black Money and Capital Flight may Finance another Padma...

CSOs Demands for Public Expenditure Review Commission Dhaka, 29 June 2024: CSOs in a press conference today in Dhaka demanded a Public Expenditure Review Commission...