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Dhaka, 21 July 2014: Today in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka 16 rights based, farmer and labour organizations organized a Stand Up program as a part of the Global Day for Development Justice. From the stand up they said, neither poverty reduction nor development is possible...
Dhaka 19th July 2014. Today eighteen rights based civil society and coastal organizations organized a human chain and rally in front of the National Press Club and criticized government’s silence on the recent coastal catastrophes due to monsoon tidal flood and demanded immediate steps to protect coastal people and...
Dhaka, 1st July 2014. Today twelve right based civil society organizations including farmers and labour organizations organized a human chain and rally in front of national press club and urged political consensus among major two parties instead of the blame game on the issue of illicit financial flow. They...
Dhaka 26th June 2014. Today seven civil society right based networks express concern on the government’s non-allocation in climate fund in the proposed budget of FY 2014-15 and the silence of environment ministry about climate planning and international negotiation process. They said that this approach will give wrong signal...
Dhaka, 22nd June 2014. Today fourteen right based civil society organizations and networks led by EquityBD organized a press conference at the national press club and termed the tax policy in proposed budget 2014-25 as anti poor and against the principles of redistributive justice. They also criticized the government...
Dhaka, 11 June 2014: Today in a human chain in front of the national press club in Dhaka 15 national and district level farmers’ organizations led by EquityBD urge for allocating at least 20% of the total budget for agriculture. They also demand for an “Independent Agriculture Price Commission”...
Today at the National Press Club in Dhaka 10 farmers’ and right based organizations led by EquityBD said in a press conference that the allocation for agriculture in the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year 2014-15 is inadequate and suicidal for future self-sufficiency in food. They also urge...
Neither Bangladesh nor other LDCs should agree on TISA (Trade in Services Agreement) or TIFA (Trade and Investment Framework Agreement) as being pushed by WTO as it undermines the basic human rights by commercialization of Education, Health, Food and Water and only ensures the unchallenged profit by the multinational...
Today a human chain organized by 23 right-based organizations in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka demands WTO to ensure 100% DFQF (Duty Free Quota Free) facilities for the LDC in the market of developed countries. The street demonstration draws the attention of the WTO DG Mr....
Dhaka, 3rd May 2014. Today fifteen right-based civil society organizations led by EquityBD in a rally and human chain in front of the National Press Club accused government for favoring the multinational companies (MNC) with tax rules and demanded for stopping further extension of value added tax (VAT) as...

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