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Dhaka, 19th April 2014. Today EquityBD, a network of right groups, organizes a seminar titled “Is Bangladesh Ready to Face Climate Problem in Future? National Budget 2014-15: Climate Resilience and Adaptation” at the National Press Club. Civil society rights group expresses worries on the mismanagement of two climate funds...
Dhaka, 6th April 2014: Today in a seminar titled “Agriculture and Farmer Friendly Budget: Public-Private Sector in Seed Management” at the National Press club the speakers urged for sufficient allocation for Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) to rule over the multi national corporations (MNCs) and local companies who basically...
Dhaka 1st April 2014. Today in a panel discussion held in Dhaka Reporters’ Unity Mr. Roberto Bissio, the Coordinator of Social Watch, a global civil society alliance working in more than hundred countries, said that the enforcement for human rights and addressing inequalities should be the main concern in...
Dhaka 1st March 2014. Today fourteen civil society right groups led by Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) in a press conference titled “Tax Evasion of MNCs should be stopped to Enhance Revenue” express their concern on tax evasion and capital flight by the MNCs and urged for a strong...
Dhaka, 17th Febraury 2014: Today a seminar organized by EquityBD, a right based campaign group along with CSRL (Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood), an Oxfam Led civil society alliance with the support of European Union titled “Climate Change in South Asian Countries: Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Cooperation” is...
Dhaka, 1st February 2014. Civil society leaders demanded that the government’s proposals on sustainable development goals (SDGs) should include the guarantee of public’s right to information and government data. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be replaced by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the year 2015. Initial recommendations of the...
Dhaka, 14th December 2013. Today twelve right based civil society organizations organized a press conference titled “Hype and Hypocrisy in WTO: Was Bangladesh Ready?” at the National Press Club to provide feedback on the WTO 9th Ministerial held in Bali, Indonesia during last 3 to 6th December. Speakers urged for active political...
Dhaka, 30th November 2013: Today 8 climate focused civil society networks in a press conference urge the government to work out the future climate action plan with own resource and capacity as the latest CoP-19 outcome has seriously undermined the interest of LDC and CVC (Climate Victim Countries) in...
Warsaw, 21st November 2013. Today Bangladeshi civil society on climate alliance namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CFGN, CSRL, CLEAN and EquityBD, have organized a press conference in the COP 19 in Warsaw National Stadium and condemned the attitude of rich counties especially of Australia, Canada and Japan who are blocking...
Dhaka, 21st November 2013. Today fifteen civil society rights group including farmers and labor organization in a rally organized in front of national press club Dhaka urge government to emphasize free movement of natural labor in the upcoming WTO ministerial to be held in Bali during 3 to 6...

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