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Dhaka, 21st November 2013. Today fifteen civil society rights group including farmers and labor organization in a rally organized in front of national press club Dhaka urge government to emphasize free movement of natural labor in the upcoming WTO ministerial to be held in Bali during 3 to 6...
Dhaka, 15th November 2013: Today a right based civil society group in a press conference in Dhaka said, both developed and developing countries political leaders to act with commitment to stop illicit financial flow from poor countries. EquityBD, a network of right-based civil societies, organizes the press conference to...
Warsaw, Poland 12th November 2013: Today nineteen CSO networks from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America organize a seminar titled “Climate Forced Migrants: The Question of Rights and Common But Differentiated Responsibilities” at the National Stadium in Warsaw, Poland where the CoP 19 of UNFCCC i.e. climate conference is taking place. Speakers...
Dhaka, 5th November 2013: Today right based civil society networks in cooperation with different students’ cultural organizations of Dhaka University organize a seminar at the Nowab Ali Chowdhury Senate Building and a photo exhibition at the Teacher Student Centre (TSC) in Dhaka University. The vice chancellor of the university Mr....
Dhaka, 22nd October 2013. Today eighteen right based civil society, labor and farmer organizations in a press conference in the capital urge government to consult and public its position on WTO (World Trade Organization) Ministerial 9 to be held during 3 to 6 December 2013 in Bali, Indonesia. The...
Dhaka, 20th October 2013 : Today six right groups civil society networks namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CSRL, CLEAN and EquityBD has organized a seminar title “Climate Induced Migrants : Responsibilities in National and International Level” at National Press Club, and they demand that Bangladesh should initiate necessary research and...
Dhaka, 9th October 2013: Today in a press conference held at the National Press Club organized by the World Rural Women’s Day Observation National Committee, a countrywide network of civil society right groups, urge mass people to raise voice and awareness against Pesticides and their companies to save the...
Dhaka, 7th October 2013. Today in a seminar title “ Green Climate Fund, Country Ownership, International Climate Finance : Is Bangladesh Ready ? “ held in Bangladesh Economic Association auditorium in Eskaton, speakers urged government and policy makers to consider a transparent and inclusive national designated authority with supra...
Dhaka, 15th September 2013. Today a network of civil society rights groups EquityBD (Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh) in a seminar held at National Press Club Dhaka criticize the developed countries, especially of USA and Japan, who opposed inclusion of common but differentiated responsibility and historical responsibility issues...
Dhaka, 27th August 2013. Today 92 civil society organizations from the Asia Pacific region condemn role of US and other developed countries in pressurizing developing countries of Asia Pacific region to come up with their terms while preparing declaration of Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Post 2015 development agenda....

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CSOs Demands for Public Expenditure Review Commission Dhaka, 29 June 2024: CSOs in a press conference today in Dhaka demanded a Public Expenditure Review Commission...