Civil Society for Addressing Inequalities along with Growth in Development Strategies


Index_7474Dhaka 8th October 2015. Today right based civil societies expressed concern on little participation of civil societies in the government planning process especially in vision 2021 and 7th five year plan, which is being considered as graduation strategies toward middle income country, they said that in view of Istanbul Plan of Action (IPOA) 2011 government is obliged to ensure civil society participation. They have urge government to address increasing inequalities along growth approach in development strategies, it is also mentioned that in view IPOA human and social development should be one of the priority area in this regard. The issues has been raised in a seminar title “IPOA: Bangladesh Perspective and Vision 2021, Vision 2021 should Expect Mid Level Life Standard Based Country, Not only as Middle Income Country” organized by LDC (Least Developed Country) Watch and Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD).
The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD; key note presentation was given by Ms Prerna Bomzan Advocacy Officer LDC Watch. Introductory speech was given by Mr. Gouri Prodhan, International Coordinator LDC Watch. State Minister for Planning and Finance Mr MA Mannan spoke as Chief Guest. Other speakers of the seminar was Ziaul Haque Mukta of CSRL / EquityBD, Monower Mostafa of Synergy Institutie, Qumrul Islam Chowdhury Secretary General of National Press Club, Sayed Aminul Haque of EquityBD, Shamima Akhter and Ferdous Ara Rumee of Rural Women Day Observation Alliance, Badrul Alam of Bangladesh Krishok Forum, Prodip K Roy of Online Knowledge Centre.
State Minister MA Mannan said that Bangladesh cannot wait for overseas development assistance for her development; domestic resource mobilization has to be increased. Gouri Prodhan of LDC Watch urged LDC government to include eight plan of actions of IPOA where human and social development and good governance is important. Prerna Bomzan from LDC Watch also emphasize implementation of eight principles in respect of IPOA where voice and representation, human rights and balance role of state and market has mentioned. Sayed Aminul Haque of EquityBD has mentioned that there are examples that inequality is increasing in Bangladesh e.g., 2010 gini efficient ratio is 0.31 at present which is 0.46.
Ziaul Hague Mukta of CSRL/ EquityBD has mentioned that government leaders must emphasize on re-distribution, which is uneven now, participation and local governance in different level, while it is everything centralized now. Monowar Mustafa mentioned that it is acceptable that domestic resource mobilization has to be increased but it should not be mostly depended on value added tax which is regressive to poor. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury the moderator of the seminar mentioned that the government is now obsessed with growth and so called middle income approach, but it should not only the income, enhancement of life standard especially with equality should get priority.

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