Climate Induced Migrants Need of a New UN Protocol for their Rights to Life and Livelihood


3rd December 2011, Durban. Today in a seminar organized in Durban UNFCCC CoP 17 side event place by six Bangladeshi and another six international civil society networks in a seminar demands a new United Nation protocol for climate induced migrants. The networks are BAPA, BIPNet, CCDF, CSRL, EquityBD, NCCB, Jubilee South, APMDD, LDC Watch, SAAPE, 350 org, and TCOE. The seminar was introduced by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, moderated by Dr Ahsan Uddin of CSRL, Dr. Quazi Kholliquzzaman of Bangladesh government delegation has participated as Chief Guest, and members of the panelists were, Juan Carlos Soriano of 350 Org, Janet Redmen of Institute of Policy Studies, USA, Elena Girebizza of CRBM, Itally. Golam Rabbani of CCDF has given the key note presentation. Dr. Abdul Matin of BAPA has concluded the seminar and given vote of thanks.

Apart from designated panelist, among the participants Michelle Yonetani from IDMC and NRC, Laurie Goering from Reuters, Jespreet Kindra from UNIRIN, Helene Connor from Helio International, Ziual Haque Mukta from Oxfam, Kamal Ahmed from UNDP, and Mizanur Rahaman Bijoy from NCCB also spoke on the occasion.

Golam Rabbani, has given reference of different global studies is that there will be one in each forty-five in the world will be climate induced migrants, he proposed policy actions in this regard either they could be categorized as universal natural person and need of new UN protocol. Janet Redmen and Elena Gijaberra mentioned that if there will be climate financing under international financial institutions and if there will be inclusion of private financing and corporations then there will be more displacement as those agencies has biasness for larger infrastructure projects. Juan Carlos has narrated his personal story that how he has been displaced from his own home town of Peru, due to the climate change impacts. Dr.Quazi Khollikuzzaman mentioned that all though Bangladesh has achieved to include a para on climate induced migrants in Cancun agreement, but total negotiation process, promises and practices of developed countries is not encouraging. He also mentioned there are hardly any global leaders who can come up with bold decision, he feels that every single dollars being spend in Durban seems wastage of money.

In conclusion Dr Ahsan Uddin plea to Annex 1 i.e. developed countries to take responsibility of these entire climate induced migrants and Dr. Matin of BAPA mentioned that in view of 1948 UN declaration of human rights these people must have their right to life and livelihood. Organizers informed that same seminar will also be happened on 7th December in University of Kawanzulu Natal.

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