Delaying Outcome in CoP Process May Hastened Mass Killing


Durban, 5th December 2011. Today at CoP 17 media briefing room Kosi Palm, six Bangladeshi civil society climate networks remarked that if the present CoP 17 process delayed in reaching a consensus, then it will be mass killing, as there will be temperature raise will continue and extreme events will be continued to be happened. Six Bangladeshi civil society climate networks are Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), Bangladesh Indigenous People’s Network on Climate Change and Bio Diversity (BIPNetCCBD), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change Bangladesh (NCCB). The press conference was moderated by Ziaul Hoque Mukta of CSRL, written statement was read out by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, question and answer responded by Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed of CSRL and Mizanur Rahman Bijoy of NCCB, finally conclusion remark and vote of thanks was given by Dr. Abdul Matin of BAPA.

The statement said that “ the global leadership have threatened to withdraw from the only legally binding instrument available…also taken tactic to delay the process…negotiated regime should ensure a wider, deeper cut in emission, especially by the Annex 1 countries, must be agreed with immediate effect. The science demands that the global peaking of emissions must not be extended beyond 2015, and the overall emission should be reduced at least 45 % below 1990 levels by 2020, with a subsequent aim of reducing emissions above 85 % below 1990 levels by 2050.”

Ziaul Hoque Mukta of CSRL mentioned if there will be delayed then there will be mass deprivation on people especially on poor people of climate vulnerable countries like Bangladesh due to climate catastrophes, then whatever the size climate financing for adaptation that will be meaning less. Dr. Ahsan Uddin of CSRL mentioned that delay in outcome and threats of withdrawal by some developed countries like as climate terrorism toward the poor people of the earth. Mizanur Rahaman Bijoy of NCCB mentioned that pulling out from legally binding agreement means genocide to the people of Bangladesh, people has no time to delayed. Dr. Matin from BAPA in conclusion said that, people should not go home back from Durban with demoralization.

Please Download [Bangla press] [English Press] [Statement]

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