Equitybd offers wreath to the martyrs


index_photo1Equitybd believes that its goal complies with the spirit of 21st February which means building a society with Equity and Justice for all. The secretariat observes the International Mother’s Language Day today participating in the people’s march towards the [I]Central Shahid Minar[/I] in Dhaka to offer their wreath on the mound of the martyrs.

Equitybd upholds a banner saying 21st February means the equity and justice for all. The leaders present in the walk in procession state that this year the International Mother’s Language Day brought a different meaning to our life as the uprising of young spirit of the country is fighting for justice and a right based society.

Equitybd believes upholding the call of 21st February might help us to end all sort of inequality and injustice from the society and would pave a sovereign society with dignity

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