Government Must Announce Preparation and Participation in Lima Climate Conference


Index_31Dhaka, 9th November: Today six right group networks and two journalist forum on climate change, in a joint press conference held at National Press Club, criticized present Environment Minister’s approach on climate change issues and appeal for Prime Minister’s intervention in respect of preparation for UNFCCC (United Nation Frame work for Climate Change Convention) CoP (Conference of Parties) 20 to be held in Lima (Capital of Peru) during 1 to 12 December. They also urge the government to announce the preparation, position and participation process of Lima climate conference otherwise country interest and leadership track record might be jeopardized.
The press conference was organized by Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), Bangladesh Climate Change Journalist Forum (BCJF), Bangladesh Indigenous People Network of Climate Change and Bio Diversity (BIPNetCCBD), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Coastal Livelihood Environment Action Network (CLEAN), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Forum for Environment Journalist in Bangladesh (FEJB) and Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD). The press conference was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD while KawserRahman of BCJF read out the written statement on bahalf of the group. Other speakers are Qumrul Islam Chowdhury of FEJB and a lead LDC (Least Development Country) Negotiator, Dr Abdul Matin of BAPA, Aminul Rasul Babul of Unnayan Dhara Trust and Mostafa Kamal Akanda of EquityBD.
On behalf of the group Kawser Rahamn has read out the statement and placed following key demands, (i) The Ministry must announce written negotiation paper prior to the conference, (ii) The Ministry must spell out transparency and participation of civil society and media in the negotiation process both in the country and abroad, (iii) negotiation team must uphold the interest of MVC (most vulnerable countries) and LDC (least developed countries), not submitting to the interest of advance developing countries within G77 +China group, (iv) Bangladesh must propose an institutional framework , finance and its composition in respect of loss and damage (L&D) discourse, (v) Delegation must propose separate peaking point of temperature raise different for developed, developing and LDCs, (vi) The delegation should also negotiate for Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) should only be limited in respect of MVC and LDCs.
Qumrul Islam Chowhdury of FEJB said in his speech, Bangladesh has received very little from Fast Start Financing (FSF) in last few years in respect of climate migrants and to demand anything the country must show some national mechanism in this regard.
Dr Matin of BAPA said that government must be serious on keeping past record of leadership of our Environment Ministry and the Minister in respect of Inclusiveness, Access and Transparency which put Bangladesh delegation in a leadership position. He has expressed worries on understanding of present Minister and his bureaucrats in this regard and he sought Prime Minister’s intervention to save the past reputation of the country and its interest.

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