Integrated BCCSAP & Financial Monitoring – Phase One

Bangladesh climate finance monitoring, promotion, coordination and integration on climate action plan, Funded by Oxfam GB

Summary: This is an 18 months project proposal on “Enhancing coordinated and integrated efforts for accountable implementation of Bangladesh Climate Change Strategic Action Plan (BCCSAP) and promotion of democratic ownership” (in fact which is contrast to the term “government ownership”). As Bangladesh in the front line of climate change impact, as there are world wide sympathy to assist Bangladesh for adaptation, Bangladesh has prepared this BCCSAP, which demand a well integrated and coordinated implementation. Aid money is coming and government is also allocating resources in this regard, but there is a question whether the money will be well managed in coordinated, integrated and in accountable manner. So there should be a political pressure in this regard. The BCCSAP has been prepared with little participation from CSOs and politicians, so here is a need to develop a critical mass in this regard. BCCSAP and the critical options should also be reflected in annual, five and perspective planning too. We feel may be in long term there should also be pro active CSO for climate finance monitoring and also for developing campaign on institutional reform.

Taking this in view and taking a vision of five years, this first phase eighteen months project has been designed especially to promote critical mass and political pressure on integrated and coordinated implementation of BCCSAP, specifically to identify issues of coordination and political pressure in five priority thematic issues. There will be constant surveillance on donors especially on International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and activism for sovereign and accountable use of climate fund with constant campaign for its democratic ownership. As milestone of the project, at least there will be one primer on climate change impact, one booklet on summary of BCCSAP, one paper on outcome of divisional workshops, five papers on five priority themes of BCCSAP. There will be at least six divisional workshops on BCCSAP, four separate consultations on the outcome of divisional workshops with parliamentarians, journalists, donors and CSO leaders, and five consultations on five priority themes. In honoring the indication from prospective donors / partner i.e., CSRL / OGB (Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood/Oxfam Great Britain) we did a conservative estimate for first eighteen months period (August 2010 to January 2011) the project requires Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) 2575.50, where first eight months (August 2010 to March 2011) is BDT 1218.90.

[ Full proposal]

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