Protesting London Conference on Multi Donor Trust Fund and Climate Change


imageDhaka 04 September 2008: Today the Equity & Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) organized a press conference on “ [B]London Conference on Multi DonorTrust Fund and Climate Change [/B]” at Dhaka Reporters Unity, Dhaka.

In the press conference Md Shamsuddoha Secretary General of EquityBD presented the key note paper while Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury Convener of EquityBD moderated the session. During the presentation, equityBD has protested the paper, biased to consultancies and physical infrastructure construction. EquyityBD has also mentioned that the paper has prepared in a very non transparent and in a little participatory process.
Equitybd has also placed five major demands, ie., (i) all climate funding should be through existing government and non government channels, their should not be any separate body for this, (ii) in channeling the fund there should not be any involvement of World Bank, IMF and ADB, we consider those international financial institutions are basically responsible for pauperization in our countries through their neo liberal conditionalitics, who are also responsible for climate catastrophic in our counties as still they fund climate harmful industries and projects, (iii) all climate funding should be based on Polluter / Exploiter Pay principles, not as charity or aid (iv) the funding must be additional to the GNI 0.7 % ODA commitment of developed countries, and (v) the conference must consider the matter of environmental refugees, according the World Bank report their will be 22 millions climate refugee in Bangladesh by the year 2050.
Among others, Mr. Shahdat Islam Chowdury , Mustofa Kamal, AHM Bazlur Rahaman of EquityBD participated in the press conference and took part in the discussion .

Please Download [Press Release] [Climate change concept paper]

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