Rich Countries Must Pay their Debts to the Climate Affected Countries by Ensuring Fast Track Finance


Index_1910Dhaka, 21 September 2014: Five climate networks and right based organizations in Dhaka today urged the Prime Minister to take strong position in the UN Climate summit for the climate induced migrants’ rights and other justified issues. They organized a human chain today in front of the national press club and demand the rich countries must pay their debts to the poor countries by ensuring Fast Track Finance. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called the climate conference on 23rd September in New York where our Prime Minister is going to participate.

The human chain titled “We Demand PM to urge Developed Countries to take responsibility of Climate Migrants” is jointly organized by BAPA (Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon), BIPNetCCBD (Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Network for Climate Change and Biodiversity), CCDF (Climate Change Development Forum), CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network), CSRL (Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood) and EquityBD (Equity and Justice Working Group, Bangladesh). Mustafa Kamal Akanda of EquityBD moderates the speech session of the event while Dr. Abdul Matin, the Secretary General of BAPA, Aminur Rasul Babul of Unnayan Dhara Trust, Mrinal Kanti Tripura of BIPNetCCBD, Sarwar Hossain of BKFS and Mowajjem Hossain of Green Voice give speech.

The group stated 5 point demand from the event raised by Syed Aminul Huq including: (1) Rich Countries must admit their historical responsibility of GHG emission and must give practical promise to reduce it, specially they need to cut 40% of the current emission by 2030; (2) Rich Countries must undergo legally binding agreements to reduce GHG; (3) Climate induced Migrants must be treated under a special UN Protocol; (4) 50% of the Green Climate Fund should be funded for adaptation and LDC should have an easy access to it; and (5) Additional fund should be provided for the compensation to cover the losses by natural disasters.

Dr. Abdul Matin of BAPA said in his speech, the rich world extracted us for centuries and developed their industries and the industries are causing the climate change that is again affecting us. This is why countries like Bangladesh should stand for the compensation in the UN Climate Summit. This compensation is not a charity by the Annex-1 countries. Rather this is their debt to the poor ones. They need to pay it in no time.

Mustafa Kamal Akanda of EquityBD said, we have come across by an English newspaper The Guardian that USA is not going to give any finance for the climate victim countries. This is a clear violation of rights of the climate affected people. They must implement the Fast Track Finance as soon as possible. They can’t withdraw the promise of giving 100b USD every year to the UN Climate Fund.

Aminur Rasul Babul of Unnayan Dhara Trust said, we still don’t know what our Prime Minister is going to talk about in the UN Climate Summit. But we hope she will talk about the displaced people of Bangladesh due to the climate effects.

Mowajjem Hossain of Green Voice said, more than two thousand people from the coastal and other areas are migrating to the cities. The population density of Dhaka already exceeded 58 thousand per square km. It is not possible for us alone to face this huge task of climate adaptation. And this is not fair either as we are not the responsible for it, he added.

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