Seminar : UN Global Compacts and Climate Displacement : Bangladesh Civil Society Perspective, on 13 May


Seminar : UN Global Compacts and Climate Displacement : Bangladesh Civil Society Perspective, on 13 May

Date and Time: 13 May 2017  at 10.30am to1.00 pm Venue:  CIRDAP auditorium (old)
1. Seminar outline
2. NGO Consultations Concept Note
3. Global compact for migration Meeting Schedule on Preparatory Process
4. Assessing CC & Migration nexus in South Asia_IoM Report_2016
5. Internal Displacement IDMC Global Report 2016
6. New York Declaration on Migration_2016
7. IOM NGO Consultation Meeting
8. UN Refugee Summit Abstract Discussions in the Face of a Deadly Crisis
9. Global Compact Presentation Text Draft
10. English copy of the campaign material ” The Humanity Passport”
11. Bangla copy of the campaign material ” The Humanity Passport “

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