South Asian CSO demanded for a de-carbonized world through “ending Fossil Fuel commitment” Developed Countries must deliver a percentage of GNI for New Climate Finance Goal, 2025-30 period


Baku, Azerbaijan, November 11, 2024 – During the ongoing Cop 29 Global Climate Conference in Baku, leaders of Civil Society from Most Vulnerable Countries [MVCs] and Least Developed Countries [LDCs] gathered in a press conference and demanded a concreate commitment for “Ending Fossil Fuel” from the big emitters for a de-carbonized world in future. They also demanded “A percentage of their GNI [Gross National Income]” for finalizing the NCQG [New Collective and Quantified Goal] on Finance for 2025-2030 period.

The press conference, titled “LDC’s & MVC Peoples’ Expectations and CoP 29,” took place at the CoP 29 climate conference center in Baku. Representatives from various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including Mr. Avishek Shrestha from DBI-Nepal, Mr. Soumya Datta from India and Mrs. Tetet Neura Lauron from Rosa Luxemburg, Philippine, Mr. Thailk Kariyawasan from Sri Lanka and Mr. Mrityunjoy from Bangladesh participated and shared their insights. The keynote address on civil society expectations was presented by Aminul Hoque from EquityBD, Bangladesh.

Presenting the keynote, Aminul Hoque said that global leaders continue failed their commitment with compliance in both mitigation and financing responsibilities and showing or come with new idea, vague solution those are creates obstacles and diluting MVCs priorities and demands. The proposed CFAF [Climate Finance Action Fund] in CoP-29 negotiation such a “Vague Idea” which in fact to divert the core attention of demanding Trillion Dollar financing commitment from developed countries for NCQG.

He put some key demands in favor of civil society, those are (i) Developed countries must change their theory of diverting peoples’ demand and give a real commitment in both mitigation and financing for next 10-year period 2025-35, (ii) A political declaration to be made by big emitters for ending fossil fuel by closing and phase out of all coal & fossil fuel-based power plants by 2040 to get impact by 2050. This declaration must be reflected in “National Determined Contribution” [NDC-3] in 2025, (iii) The existing climate financing system is extremely unfair and debt-driven. So that the NCQG must be designed through ensuring a percentage of GNI of developed countries. This fund will be delivered followed by sub-sector of NCQG like Adaptation, Mitigation, and capacity development of MVC and LDCs.

Thilk from Sri Lanka the warn that the world with high temperature records at least 86 days exceeding 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels which in fact awful. Therefore, to get it back on track, global annual GHG emissions gap must be narrowed, and this will be possible by relentlessly strengthening mitigation action for this decade. In this context, CoP 29 must deliver a clear timeline for transitioning away from fossil fuels, leading to complete phase out and a clear reflection next in the NDC-3 in 2025.

Tetet criticize that the global public finance now itself at a crossroads due to private sector dependency and not participatory. IFIs and the global north governments must stop their overreliance on private sector and plan participatory with CBDR [Common but Differentiated Responsibility] principal. She also criticizes the NCQG included the carbon trade to legitimize the private sector and their business. We urgently need public finance policy, priorities, and governance to push to a 1.5-degree aligned, just transition, rooted in collective wellbeing following global and local equity she demands.

Mrityunjoy opine that 300 million people are suffering food security around the world and these people need to adapt with climate change impact. We also protect the nature and align the new NDCs with Kunming- Montreal bio-diversity Protocol. Financing trillion dollars a year is not just a talk, the annex  02 parties can manage to mobilse more than five trillion dollars per year by revising and redirecting the unjust oil subsidies.

Soumya Datta said that, Azerbaijan has an opportunity to show genuine climate leadership learning from previous cop events and by focusing debate on the decarbonization dilemmas of Petro-states. Using UNFCCC dialogues Azerbaijan will take initiatives for exploring appropriate solutions. But we confused, seeing the existing Azerbaijan’s current trajectory, this opportunity looks likely to be lost. He warns global leaders to a real outcome.

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