UN must set Goal to ensure Food Security for global hunger as Bangladesh proposed


Index_photoDhaka, 15th September 2013. Today a network of civil society rights groups EquityBD (Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh) in a seminar held at National Press Club Dhaka criticize the developed countries, especially of USA and Japan, who opposed inclusion of common but differentiated responsibility and historical responsibility issues in the Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Post 2015 agenda. The rights group supported Bangladesh proposal to include goal to ensure food security to meet the global hunger and urge to UN to do so.
The seminar titled “MDG and Post 2015 UN development Agenda; Inequalities and Redistributive Justice” is moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, the Chief Moderator of EquityBD while the chief guest of the seminar was Dr. Hasan Mahmud, Honorable Minister for Forest and Environment. The other speakers of the seminar are Ziaul Haque Mukta, Policy Manger of Oxfam Asia Region, Golam Mortoza, the Editor of weekly Shaptahik, Badrul Alam of Bangladesh Krishok Federation, Pragati Chakama of Bangladesh Indigenous People’s Network, Aminur Rasul af Unnayan Dhara and Mujibul Haque Munir of Article 19. Barkat Ullah Maruf of EquityBD gives keynote presentation in the seminar.
On behalf of the group in his keynote presentation Barkat Ullah Maruf proposes, there should be separate goals on controlling arms and military expenditure and debt cancellation of least developed countries. He also expresses concern on more debt creating instruments in future development assistance and supremacy of private investment.
Rezaul Karim Chowdhuy has commended that Bangladesh’s proposal on post 2015 goal on food security and climate change compensation is the most appropriate. As like in Asia Pacific Ministerial conference, international civil society delegates will support Bangladesh’s position in the upcoming UN General Assembly. He urged Bangladesh delegation should have more interactive to civil society and media in this regard.
Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said that as Bangladesh is facing the brunt of climate change impact where the country is not at all responsible for this, and as there will be 22 crore people in the country by 2050, then it is the international community or united nations to take responsibility on food security of Bangladesh and other hungry people of the world as well.
Ziaul Haque Mukta of Oxfam proposed five more priority along with food security agenda for post 2015 as follows, addressing inequalities within and inter state, internal resource mobilization with progressive taxes, universal access in public services, global assistance in respect of climate adaptation for most vulnerable or least developed countries.

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