Bangladesh Must Follow a Transparent and Inclusive Climate Negotiation Process


index_4735Dhaka, 21st October 2016. On the eve of CoP (Conference of Parties) Global Climate Conference to be held in Marrakech the capital of Morocco during 7 to 18 th November 2016, today eight civil society climate networks in a press conference held at National Press Club call for a transparent and inclusive climate negotiation from official Bangladesh delegation. The press conference was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD (Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh) , while key note paper on behalf of the group was presented by Mrs. Sharmind Neelormi of CSRL (Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood), other speakers of the press conference were Mr Qumrul Islam Chowdhury, Presided FEJB (Forum on Environment Journalist in Bangladesh) and Secretary General National Press Club, Prodip K Roy Coordinator CSRL and Md Mozahidul Islam Nayan of Oxfam International. Eight civil society network organizations are Bangladesh Poribesh Andolan (BAPA), Bangladesh Climate Journalist Forum (BCJF), Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change and Bio Diversity (BIPNetCCBD), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Coastal Development Partnership (CDP), CSRL, EquityBD and FEJB.
On behalf of the group Mrs Sharmind Neelormi read out the position paper and presented eight proposal to the Bangladesh official climate negotiation team, which are (i) Bangladesh must take leading position on behalf of LDC (least developed Country) group in the G77 and China group and in also in negotiation especially in respect of formulation of detail of agreement which to be implemented from 2020, (ii) Rich countries must increase their ambition in respect of carbon mitigation toward the 1.5 C of global temperatures, at now INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution) will reach up to 3.5 C and which is around 55 gig a tone of carbon, far short in respect of target to save the earth from climate catastrophes, (iii) Global goal on adaptation must prioritize the issues of LDCs and MVC (most vulnerable countries) like Bangladesh, (iv) In respect of financing grant for LDCs and MVC is imperative, (v) Capacity building for LDCs and MVCs in respect of access to climate finance, and adaptation should be given priority, (vi) In respect of loss and damage, priority should be given to right based approach and polluter pay principle, (vii) Issues and protection related to climate forced migrants must be work out in the UNFCCC (United Nation Framework for Climate Change Conference) process, (vi) Bangladesh government must include civil society expert in the negotiation team and (vii) Bangladesh government must inform parliament and media on her position during pre and post Marrakech conference.
Mr Qumrul Chowdhury of FEJB stressed the confidence building initiative among the LDC / MVC group by Bangladesh delegation, he also said the LDC and MVC interest must not supersede by the interest of advance developing countries like China and India. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD and the moderator of the press conference concluded the press conference with a hope that this year government delegation at least give due importance to civil society access and participation in official government delegation in Marrakech negotiation.

Please Download related paper [Bangla Press] [English Press] [Position Paper]

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