Bangladesh should take position for easy financial access


Dhaka, 30 October 2017. Today eleven Civil Society Organizations (CSO) has demanded transparent and coordinative government role from government delegation in Bonn climate conference and to take positon for easy access from GCF (Green Climate Fund) as Most Vulnerable Country (MVC). They made this demand in national seminar title “CoP 23 Bonn Climate Conference: Expectation from CSOs in view of Implementing Paris Agreement” that held at National Press Club, Dhaka. They seminar were jointly organized by BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, BCJF, CSRL, CDP, CPRD, Brac University, BCAS, ICCCAD, COAST and EquityBD.

The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD and key note presented by Syed Aminul Hoque from same organization. Dr. Qazi Kholikuzzaman, Chairman-PKF and official Coordinator of Bangladesh Government Climate Negotiation Team has chaired the seminar. Dr. Hasan Mahmud MP, Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoE&F) has participated as chief guest. Among other speaker Dr. Atiq Rahman of BCAS,  Md. Raseduzzaman, Director,  Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Mr. Qumrul Islam Chowdhury of FEJB (Forum of Environmental Journalist in Bangladesh), Mr. Tanvir Mahmud from British Council, Mr. Prodip K Roy from CSRL (Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihood) spoke in the seminar.

In the key note presentation Aminul Hoque said that Bangladesh frequently suffer of climate change impact but getting very less support from the developed countries and different multilateral fund that what they have pledged in different climate conferences. He made four key demands (i) Developed countries must increase their ambition target based on science toward reducing global warming, (ii) Ensure easier access to GCF for most vulnerable countries without any condition of co-financing, (iii) Include new text on “Country goal on Adaptation” instead of so called global goal of adaptation and (iv) Include climate migration issues in the process of Loss & Damage work stream.

Dr. Qazi Kholikuzzaman said that GCF has been changing their rule & process frequently bypassing their funding principle which is problem for MVCs. Now access to GCF is very complicated and we off course take position on this issue in CoP 23. He also said that Bangladesh has position especially will give stress to implement the commitment those given by developed countries through Paris Agreement (PA).

Dr. Atiq Rahaman said that we have been suffering and paying most despite have no responsibility for changing our climate. PA is become a loose agreement as there CBDR policy (Common but Differentiate Responsibility) has not included. He urged for our interest, govt. should develop special ministry of climate change who will continue the chronology of global negotiation and get expected output over time.

Dr. Hasan Mahmud said that global temperature may go  up to more than three degree centigrade if the present INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution), which is in fact not at all sufficient to save mother earth. He urged developed countries must raise their ambition in respect of mitigation. He urged global CSOs to raise voice in this regard.
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