Climate justice

Dhaka, 19th April 2014. Today EquityBD, a network of right groups, organizes a seminar titled “Is Bangladesh Ready to Face Climate Problem in Future? National Budget 2014-15: Climate Resilience and Adaptation” at the National Press Club. Civil society rights group expresses worries on the mismanagement of two climate funds...
Dhaka, 17th Febraury 2014: Today a seminar organized by EquityBD, a right based campaign group along with CSRL (Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood), an Oxfam Led civil society alliance with the support of European Union titled “Climate Change in South Asian Countries: Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Cooperation” is...
Dhaka, 30th November 2013: Today 8 climate focused civil society networks in a press conference urge the government to work out the future climate action plan with own resource and capacity as the latest CoP-19 outcome has seriously undermined the interest of LDC and CVC (Climate Victim Countries) in...
Warsaw, 21st November 2013. Today Bangladeshi civil society on climate alliance namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CFGN, CSRL, CLEAN and EquityBD, have organized a press conference in the COP 19 in Warsaw National Stadium and condemned the attitude of rich counties especially of Australia, Canada and Japan who are blocking...
Warsaw, Poland 12th November 2013: Today nineteen CSO networks from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America organize a seminar titled “Climate Forced Migrants: The Question of Rights and Common But Differentiated Responsibilities” at the National Stadium in Warsaw, Poland where the CoP 19 of UNFCCC i.e. climate conference is taking place. Speakers...
Dhaka, 5th November 2013: Today right based civil society networks in cooperation with different students’ cultural organizations of Dhaka University organize a seminar at the Nowab Ali Chowdhury Senate Building and a photo exhibition at the Teacher Student Centre (TSC) in Dhaka University. The vice chancellor of the university Mr....
Dhaka, 20th October 2013 : Today six right groups civil society networks namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CSRL, CLEAN and EquityBD has organized a seminar title “Climate Induced Migrants : Responsibilities in National and International Level” at National Press Club, and they demand that Bangladesh should initiate necessary research and...
Dhaka, 7th October 2013. Today in a seminar title “ Green Climate Fund, Country Ownership, International Climate Finance : Is Bangladesh Ready ? “ held in Bangladesh Economic Association auditorium in Eskaton, speakers urged government and policy makers to consider a transparent and inclusive national designated authority with supra...
Seven civil society groups urge for justice and effectiveness of Green Climate Fund (GCF) after presenting 11-points demand in a press conference in the National Press Club, Dhaka today (15 June 2013) jointly organized by Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL), Climate Finance Governance Network...
Dhaka, 12th June 2013. Today nine rights based civil society networks in a press conference at national press club has criticize government for little integration of climate change adaptation planning in national budget 2013-14. They urged appropriate integration of climate adaptation is necessary for the survival of the country,...

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Bangladesh should focus on self-dependent climate plan fighting climatic impacts

Dhaka, 05 December 2024.  In a press conference, Civil society organizations (CSOs) has recommended government to look forward with self-dependent climate plan fighting climatic...