Listen to the Plights of Climate Victims, Listen to the Science


Warsaw, 21st November 2013. Today Bangladeshi civil society on climate alliance namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CFGN, CSRL, CLEAN and EquityBD, have organized a press conference in the COP 19 in Warsaw National Stadium and condemned the attitude of rich counties especially of Australia, Canada and Japan who are blocking an agreement especially for an institutional arrangement in loss and damage.

They urged global leaders to listen to the plights of climate victims and listen to science to reach to an agreement and thereby to save the planet from possible climate catastrophes. Ziaul Haque Mukta of Oxfam Asia moderated the press conference while Dr Ahsan Uddin Ahmed of CSRL reads out the press statement. Among the other speakers Dr. Abdul Matin of BAPA and Dr Assaduzzaman of BIDS spoke on their valuable points. The press conference was also live web broadcasted worldwide and in the whole conference premise.

In the press statement, on behalf of the group, Dr Ahsan Uddin Ahmed said that by delaying the legally binding agreement (LBA) by 2015 and a road map towards climate financing of $100 bln by 2020, in fact the developed countries are giving death sentences to thousands of climate affected men, women and children of least developed countries (LDC).

Dr Abdul Matin of BAPA criticizes the colonial attitude of rich and developed countries for not listening to the logics even the science from IPCC (International Panel of Climate Change), to plunders global atmosphere by polluting it and ensuring their resource accumulation, which is unjust.

Dr Assaduzaman of BIDS mentioned that parties in climate conference are bypassing the agriculture and sea acidification issues.

In conclusion Ziaul Haque Mukta of Oxfam Asia the moderator of the press conference, criticize BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) which is extended now to G20 i.e. advance economics, now regrouped under the LMDC (Like Minded Developing Countries) in CoP (Conference of Parties) in UNFCCC are, in fact, ignoring the equity and CBDRRC (Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capacities) principles, which was the basis of UNFCCC process and Kyoto Protocol.

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