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Right Groups on Bangladesh SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) VNR (Voluntary National Reporting) in UN HLPF (United Nation High Level Political Forum) Dhaka, 8th July 2017. Today twenty one right based civil society, farmers and labors organizations and networks in a press conference held at National Press Club Dhaka said that...
Dhaka, 20 June 2017. Today in a seminar held at CIRDAP auditorium titled “Climate Change: Bangladesh and Bay of Bengal Regional Cooperation” civil society leaders, policy makers and experts urged to strengthen cooperation in the Bay of Bengal region or BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical...
15 June 2017. Today in a human chain, 30 right based CSOs have called to government to develop appropriate national protection policy for saving state’s asset and valuable information before any contracting or agreement with profiteering E-Commerce Giant like Alibaba (China) and Amazon.com (US Company). They have also criticize...
On 06 June 2017. Today in a press conference, 14 rights based citizens’ and farmers' organizations protested the inadequate allocation for agriculture in proposed national budget for 2017-18 fiscal year. They demanded at least 20% of the total budget for this sector to ensure food security and climate resilience...
Today 31 May 2017, a group of 30 Rights Based Civil Society Network protested the government initiative to review the BCCSAP-2009 (Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan-2009) by engaging foreign expert. Besides, they also demanded review of the BCCSAP-2009 by appointing local consultants (those are internationally recognized) with...
Dhaka, 21 May 2017. Today 14 rights based citizens’ and farmers' organizations demanded 20% of the upcoming national budget for agriculture. They also opined that, reducing agriculture subsidy based on the prescription of the WTO, IMF and others will be suicidal towards achieving self-reliance on food and in ensuring...
Dhaka, 13th May 2017. Today in a seminar title “UN Global Compacts and Climate Displacement: Bangladeshi Civil Society Perspective” held at CIRDAP auditorium, in the seminars multi stakeholders are suggested “Government and Civil Society should work together to influence UN (United Nation) Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees to...
Dhaka, 7th May 2017. Today  25 rights based civil society organizations along with EquityBD termed the VAT (Value Added Tax) as regressive to poor. Government is embarking on this with IMF (International Monetary Fund) prescriptions, so there should not be emphasize on VAT, which is indirect tax, there should be...
Dhaka, 24th April 2017: Today in a seminar in parliament media center, Member of Parliament (MP) s urged to increase budget allocation for coastal protection focusing children and youth, while they were speaking in a seminar title “Climate Change Impact in Coastal Bangladesh, Protecting Children, Adolescent and Youth: A...
Today 22 April 2017. Today in a seminar right based civil society group urge the government for ensuring effective strategy and action to increase human capacity in order to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goal). They also opine that the developing human capacity, government should strengthen her institutional capacity,...

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