Local Civil Society Demands Equitable Partnership from INGOs and UN Agencies


Dhaka, 19th August 2017. Today Bangladeshi NGOs for WHS (World Humanitarian Summit) and COAST has organized a seminar title “Strengthening Civil Society and Promoting Localization Agenda” in the Lakshore Hotel of the city for observation of 19th August World Humanitarian Day. Speaker’s demands equitable partnership from INGOs (International non-government organization) and UN (United Nations) agencies as it is necessary for sovereign and sustainable growth of local NGOs (non-government organization) or civil society organization (CSO). The seminar was presided by Mrs. Rasheda K Chowdhury, CAMPE, special guest were, Khondokar Rakibur Rahman, Director General, NGO Affairs Beauru (NGOAB) of Prime Minister Office, and Mrs. Saheen Anam, Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), the seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, COAST. Other speakers of the seminar was Shova Rani Das SASUS, Rafiqul Islam DUS, AKM Jshim Uddin ADAB, Mr Ariifur Rahaman YPSA, Iqbal Ahmed PADAKHEP, Abdul Matin SOJAG, Anwar Zahid ICDA, Sonit Gomez SF, Mrinal kanti Tripura of Maleya Foundation, Edouard Weigbour UNICEF, Mark Piere SCF, Orla Murphy Plan International, Reiza Dejto Handicap International, Nipin Gangadharan ACF, Sajid Raihan Start Fund, Nayeem Wahara BRAC and MB Akhter Oxfam. Key note paper which has been prepared based on Development Effectiveness, WHS and the Grand Bargain policy outcome, by local NGOs in last four month through a process have been presented by Shawkat Ali Tutul of COAST.

In his key note presentation the local NGO group given 15 demands which contains following major demands, (i) INGOs and UN agencies must come out from direct operation, rather they should facilitate local NGOs to grow, they must not raise fund in local level, they should prepare partnership policies and code of conduct, (ii) INGOs should not go for formation of new network, they must explore existing network first for work, (iii) INGOs and UN agencies should not import non local NGOs in a locality where there are capable local NGO and leadership are exist, (iv) local NGOs must come forward with self-esteem and accountability to local community.

Arifur Rahman of YPSA said there should not be any effort to formation of new network which is not sustainable. AKM Jashim Uddin of ADAB said that there are a lot of researches in international level that local organization can do the job with low cost. Abdul Matin Sojag said that Bangladeshi NGOs has more than enough capacity to manage humanitarian crisis. Sajid Raihan of Start Fund said they consider that there are little alternative other than support to local NGOs. Nayeem Wahara BRAC said that struggle for localization by local NGOs in Bangladesh is not new. MB Akhter of Oxfam said that local leadership and local capacity is the best answer for development. Mr Edouard the Country Director UNICEF said that capacity and financial management is a challenge in respect of localization. Mrs. Orla Murphy of Plan International underscores the need of promoting local organization, as they are the fast and first responder in humanitarian crisis.

Khonodkar Rakibur Rahman Director General NGOAB said that they are ready to assist local NGOs to grow. Rasheda K Chowdhury CAMPE and the Chair of the seminar said that local NGO has to stand with their self-esteem and self-accountability. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury the moderator the seminar said the campaign will continue to develop knowledge and thereby self-initiative of the local NGOs.
Please Download [English] [Bangla] [Presentation] [Our Common Space, our Complementary Roles: Equitable Partnership for Sovereign and Accountable Civil Society Growth]


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