Civil Society for Financing Development Justice and Critical of UNFfD Addis Zero Draft : CBDR and Integrity to Monterary and Doha Consensus Can Not be Left Out


Index_Photo111This was a second high level Asia Pacific consultation in this regard, around 20 civil society delegates has participated, while Ministers, Central Bank Governors and High Level officials from government and UN agencies has also participated. In most of the sessions there was a civil society speakers and civil society delegates intervene during the open spaces in organized manner.

Please find the civil society joint statements and other resource materials in this regard.

Related Paper:
∇ [Chair’s Summary-AP RC FfD-Rev]
∇ [CSOs concluding statement – AP HL Consultation FfD Jakarta April 2015]
∇ [FfD ZD – CSO Analysis & Recomm – 13 Apr 15 (1)]
∇ [Financing for Development Justice_Kate 29th April]
∇ [GATJ_Ffd_Policy_Paper_5March2015_internal_draft]
∇ [Lidy Nacpil Presentation UN FfD Hearings 22]
∇ [Session 5 on Financing development gaps in LDC LLDC and SIDS _draft Reza 29th April]
∇ [Source of dev finance_for AP LDCs_ESCAP report]
∇ [UNESCAP report on LDC domestice resource Dec 14]
∇ [WWGonFfD Response to Zero AAA Zero Draft]


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