Climate Adaptation First Start with Ensuring Safety and Security of Coastal land and Its Inhabitants


IndexDhaka 23rd April 2016. Today Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) has organized a seminar in National Press Club title “Post Paris Implications: Priority Actions for Climate Adaptation in National Budget and Planning”, where speakers emphasized for separate institutions and priority allocation to take critical infrastructure to protect coastal lands and its people.
The seminar was chaired by Dr Ahsan Uddin of CGC, Chief Guest of the seminar was Mr AKM Jahangir MP and Ex Minister. The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdury of EquityBD. Key note presentation was given by Syed Aminul Haque of EquityBD, other speakers of the seminar were, Mr AKM Sajahan Kamal MP from Lakshmipur, Advocate Tipu Sultan MP from Barisal, and Mr. Mir Mostaq Ahmed Robi MP from Sathkhira. Among the civil society speakers there were Dr. Khalid Hossain from CCDB, Mrs. Sharmind Neelormi from CSRL, Dr Abdul Matin from BAPA, Mr. Shamsuddoha of CPRD, Mr Zakir Hossain Khan from TIB, Mr Sayed Jahangir Hossaiin Masum from CDP and Mr Qumrul Islam Chowdhury the General Secretary National Press Club and Preside FEJB.
Sayed Aminul Haque of EquityBD in his key note presentation mentioned that, poverty definition need to be changed in view of per capita has increased and new dimension of climate vulnerability has increased what India recently did. Seventh five year plan (7th FYP) being prepared without any such vulnerability analysis and there by climate adaptation in sectoral panning. There are hardly any allocation for embankment from t national exchequer, govt is relying on loan money for this solely from World Bank and Asian Dev Bank. Mr Sajahan Kamal, Advocate Tipu Sultan and Mir Mostaq Ahmed all three MPs pleaded for separate institution like char or coastal board or separate ministry for protecting coastal people. Syed Jahangir Masum of CDP demand a separate land use planning for coastal areas. Mr. Shamsuddoha mentioned that protecting coastal people from displacement in not only a human right but also a justice issue. Dr. Khalid Hossain of CCDB demands that, there should be coordination among all climate strategic plans.
Dr Abdul Marin of BAPA raised the appropriateness of preparation process of Delta plan with the help of foreign consultant; he cautions that without transboundary water sharing agreement such a delta plan will not work. Mr. Zakir Hossain Kahn of TIB said govt must ensure transparency and accountability of its key institution in respect of climate finance and implementation taking learning from two fund management, otherwise getting foreign assistance in this regard will be in jeopardy. Mrs. Sharmind Neelormi of CSRL mentioned that govt must take plan ensure drinking water supply in coastal areas. Mr AKM Jahangir said that Water Dev Board has to be reformed and in its planning local people’s participation must be ensured. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD mentioned, without embankment there will be no sense of security among coastal people that they will decide to flee. Dr Ahsan Uddin of CGC and the Chair of the session concluded that there must be allocation in climate trust fund but simultaneously climate strategic planning has to be updated and there must be investigation that why the Environment and Forest Ministry failed to manage climate trust fund.
Please Download related paper [Bangla press release] [English press release] [Position paper] [Presentation]


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