Climate Displacement in Cross Boarder Must Be Raised in SAARC and Climate Conference


IndexDhaka, 20th August 2016. Today different right group network of the country and region has organized a seminar title “Climate Issues in CoP 22 and Islamabad SAARC Summit” held in CIRDAP Auditorium, Paltan, Dhaka. Speakers in the seminar urged Bangladesh government delegation to rise cross boarder implications issues of climate induced displacement in both SAARC Islamabad summit and Climate Conference in Marrakech. It should be noted that Conference of Parties (CoP) 22 Climate Conference will be happened in the Marrakesh the capital of Morocco during November 2016 and SAARC summit will be happened in Islamabad during December 2016. The seminar was jointly organized by Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA), Christian Aid, Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Oxfam International, COAST and EquityBD. The seminar was chaired by Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman PKSF, Dr Hasan Mahmud, Member of Parliament (MP), Chairman Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Environment and Forest attended as the chief guest. The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST. Other guest speakers were, Mr Sanjay Vahsist of CANSA, Dr Atiq Rahman of BCAS, Mr Badi Akhter from Oxfam and Ms Sharmind Neelormi of CSRL. Mr Mujibul Haque Munir of Equitybd has presented the key note presentation.
In the key note presentation Mr Mujibul Haque Munir of EquityBD mentioned that Bangladesh must take the opportunity of SAARC summit to raise the cross boarder perspective of climate displacement issue in SAARC summit. He also presented the grim picture of Green Climate Fund disbursement, while 90 % of pledge has been met, then LDC and country like Bangladesh has got direct access only to 2 % of the fund because of difficult procedures, most of the fund i.e. around 80 % fund has disbursed through multinational institutions, even though international bank like HSBC. Mr. Badi Akhter from Oxfam pleaded that Bangladesh delegation in CoP 22 Marrakech must raise the issue of insurance in Loss & Damage. Ms Sharmind Neelormi of CSRL urged that Bangladesh government should not feel shy to raise joint river management issues in SAARC; she also urged that while Bangladesh is one of the highest remittance sender countries to the India, then India must consider accepting Bangladeshi climate migrants.
Mr. Sanjay Vahsist, Director CANSA said that there is a need of strong civil society mobilization in SAARC countries especially in India to go for regional level water management and management of climate induced displacement. Dr Hasan Mahmud MP Chairman Parliamentary Standing Committee, mentioned that what Bangladesh delegation gained in Durban and Cancun on climate displacement issue that have to be again placed in CoP 22 Marrakech, he also urged for redefining UN refugee convention in view of climate displacement. He criticized GCF, as majority fund channeling through multilateral financial institution whose basic objectives to gain profit. Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman, Chairman PKSF and Chair of the seminar mentioned that all though Bangladesh have to be very active in Marrakech and Islamabad SAARC summit but Bangladesh should not wait for external assistance, the country has to proceed its own too.

Please download related paper [Bangla Press] [English Press] [Presentation]

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