Climate Migrants Deserve Equity, Capacity and Human Rights from Global Community


Index_1Istanbul 24th May 2016. Today in a side event title “Climate Induced Displacement : Humanitarian and Right Perspective” held at Rumeli Hall 6, Lutfi Kirdar Convention Center at World Humanitarian Summit, Istanbul, civil society and government leaders from climate vulnerable countries said that climate induced migrants deserve equity, capacity and human rights from global community.
The side event has been organized by fifteen civil society organization from global south and north, namely, Act Alliance, Asian Disaster Risk Reduction Network (ADRRN), Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), African Development Solution (ADESO), Christian Aid, Action Against Hunger (ACF) International, UN Major Group on Child and Youth (UNMGC&Y), COAST, EquityBD, NHN Pakistan, Refugee International USA, Ebill Society Palao, Dhaka University, Platform on Disaster Displacement (The Nansen Initiative Follow Up), and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
The side event was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST Bangladesh. Among the panel speaker were Ms Corazon Soliman, Secretary Department of Social Welfare Government of Philiphinaes; Mr Shahidul Haque Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh ; Mr. Michael Mosselmans Chairman ACT Alliance, Mr. Nick Guttman Humanitarian Director Christian Aid, Mr. Gopal Krishna Siwakoti Chairman APRRN, Dr. Mahbuba Nasreen Dhaka University, Mr. Ton Van Zuthphen Country Director NRC in Turkey, Mr Atle Solberg of Platform on Disaster Displacement, Ms Degan Ali Executive Director ADESO, and Mr Betrand Noiret ACF International.
Mr Shahidul Haque Foreign Secretary who also Represent Bangladesh as Vice Chair in newly formed state led Platform on Disaster Displacement said that, climate induced displacement which is being increasing in climate vulnerable countries like Bangladesh, deserve equity, capacity and human rights treatment from global community especially from UN as they are not at all responsible for this fate. Note that Platform of Disaster Displacement has launched in WHS Istanbul just on 23rd May, a state lead initiatives of 30 countries including France Australia, Norway and Switzerland and Canada where Germany is the Chair. Secretary Ms Corazon Solliman of Philippines said that her country considering community lead relocation of population from climate vulnerable areas but the country deserves international assistance. Mr. Michel Mosselmans of ACT Alliance presented a report from Christian Aid on how coastal city populations are vulnerable in coming years. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST said that, climate vulnerable countries should not only depended on solution of climate induced displacement only in UNFCCC frame work, it should be placed in general and security council like forum in UN deserve new protocol like 1951 refugee convent.

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