Developed and Emerging Economics Hardly Reliable in Climate Negotiation.


Dhaka, 17th December 2011. Today in press conference jointly organized by civil society climate networks Bangladesh Poribesh Andoloan (BAPA), Bangladesh Indigenous People Network on Climate Change and Bio Diversity (BIPNET), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change Bangladesh (NCCB), in a post Durban press conference, mentioned the outcome of conference of parties (CoP) 17 or Durban conference, the “Durban Platform (DP)” as near debacle and they blame developed and emerging countries for this, especially USA, India and China. The press conference was moderated by Golam Rabbani of CCDF, written statement read out by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, question and answer was responded by Dr. Ahasan Uddin of CSRL and CGC, other speakers are Mizanur Rahman Bjioy of NCCB, Pragoti Chakma of BIPNet and Jahangir Hossain Masum of Coastal Development Partnership (CDP). The group gives descriptions of their two seminars on climate migrants and two press conferences organized in Durban along in alliance other six international networks.

In the written statement the group mentioned that in fact DP is a near dead of Kyoto Protocol (KP) and Bali Action Plan, and victory of developed country as the term “historical responsibility” and “common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR)” has been eliminated. In fact these have done due to blame game of developed and BASIC countries / emerging economics (i.e., Brazil, South Africa, India and China). Now the dialogue will continue up to 2015 and implementation will start from 2020. The group mentioned in next eight years delay will hastened mass killing due to climate change, which is now directly around 350 thousand per year, and in fact it will increase adaptation cost four times higher in future as temperature will raise 3.5 to 4 Celsius. They urged Bangladesh government delegation to reconsider the relation with G 77 and China group and to lead the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF). Currently Bangladesh is the chair of the CVF, which consist 48 most vulnerable countries of world in respect of climate impact. The group appreciated the leading role of Minister Dr. Hasan and Dr. QK Zaman but they have requested to take concern on objectives, size, criteria and outcome of the delegation in future. The group has also concern on media role, that there were very little back home news on alternatives and civil society activities of the process. They suggested government to go for plan B i.e., depending on own resources whatever it is available in respect of climate change action plan and a comprehensive assessment in respect of climate migrants issues.

Dr. Ahsan Uddin urged government to initiate dialogue with CVF, much before of next CoP 18 Qatar conference, he mentioned that Bangladesh country’s gain is depend upon an early and pre CoP lobbying. Mizanur Rahman Bijoy criticized the role of South Afirca as chair, in fact they act in favor of USA as like as army commando raid. Pragoti Chakma mentioned like past rights and concern of the indigenous people again neglected in the CoP process. Jahangir Hossain Masum mentioned that it is due to the unity of civil society this time gender issues in climate change has been high lighted.

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