Development Organizations for Mutual Accountability in Partnership


Index_6733Dhaka, 8th August 2015. Today ICVA (International Council for Voluntary Associations), BNfWHS and COAST jointly has organized a seminar title “Principles of Partnership : Learning and Way Forward” in Brac center, where local, national and international NGO leaders given emphasize Mutual Accountability relation in Partnership. The seminar was moderated by Dr Jamie Munn and Mrs Jessica Darby from ICVA and Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from BNfWHS and COAST. Mrs Rokeya Kabir of ADAB, Mr Snehal Soneji from Oxfam, Mr Jerome Sayar of CLS, Ms. Hasin Jahan from Practical Action,Nayeem Warha from Disaster Forum, Mr Khaled Hasan from PKSF, Mr Abdul Awal from CDF, Mr Abdul Awal from NRDS and Kazi Sahidur from UN OCHA have spoken as panelist.

Mrs. Nurun Nahar Lovely from DSK (Dustha Shastho Kendro) given the presentations on the key findings of BNfWHS field level consultations, which given emphasize on equality and dignity based partnership especially with international NGOs (INGOs), donor organizations, and UN organizations. Dr Jamie Munn of ICVA has given background on Principles of Partnership which was adopted during 2007 almost all INGOs, donor organizations and UN organizations, basically which are Equality, Transparency, Result Oriented Approach, Responsibility and Complementarities. On the eve WHS held in Istanbul May 2016, ICVA globally reviewing this principles in different region.

Mrs Rokeya Kabir said that INGOs should have more development education in their own country to have more positive attitude toward development aid. Mr Snehal Soneji of Oxfam has said that he is fully agreed on the spirit that INGOs should not go for competition with local NGOs to raise fund in national level. He said that local NGOs should raise fund targeting local middle class in the country. Ms Hasin Jahan said that local NGOs should take targeted program to the young generations. Mr Nayeem Gowhar Warha express worries of developing sub contracting culture and top down and domination approach of some INGOs and bilateral donor agencies. Mr Abdul Awal of CDF mentioned that Bangladeshi micro finance NGOs doing more on holistic development so principles of partnership important for them. Mr Hasan Khaled of PKSF said that leadership commitment and flexibility is fundamental in partnership. Kazi Sahidur Rahman of UN OCHA mentioned that , all development stakeholder will have the need of a platform to continue this discourse. Mr Abdul Awal of NRDS mentioned that basically development partnership will have to be integrated to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from next year.

In conclusion Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from COAST and BNfWHS said that the discourse will continue up to grass root level, as there is a need of minimum coordination and understanding of all development stakeholders especially among INGOs, Local NGOs and UN agencies, as NGOs or development organizations are the main vehicles to promote human rights, secularism and democracy.

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