Emphasize on Equity and Justice and Climate Vulnerable Country’s Interest in Doha Climate Conference


Dhaka, 16th November 2012. Today seven civil society climate network urged government delegation in Doha climate conference to emphasize on equity and justice and uphold climate vulnerable country interest. The seven network namely Bangladesh Poribesh Andoloan (BAPA), Bangladesh Indigenous People Network on Climate Change and Bio Diversity (BIPNetCCBD), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Climate Finance Governance Network (CFGN), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change in Bangladesh (NCCB) has organized the seminar title “CoP 18 Doha Climate Conference : Expectation in view of Bangladesh Perspective, Equity with Justice : Climate Vulnerable Country’s Interest”. The net work expressed concern the role of G77 + China group role, as they said which mostly dominated by the interest of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries.

The seminar moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdury of EquityBD and Ziaul Haque Mukta of Oxfam GB/ CSRL. Key presentation on behalf of seven alliances was presented by Zakir Hossain Khan of CFGN/TIB. The seminar was attended Dr. Quazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmed, Chief of Banladesh Negotiation Team. Others speakers of the seminar, Dr. Monjurul Hannan Khan of Government of Bangladesh, Dr. Ahsan Uddin of CGC, Qumrul Islam Chowdhury of Forum of Environment Journalist Bangladesh (FEJB), Golam Rabbani of CCDF, Mrinal Tripura of BIPNetCCBD, Mizanur Rahman Bijoy of NCCB and Kawser Rahman of Janakanta.

In his key note presentation Zakir Hossain Khan emphasize that in respect of climate finance transparency, accountability and community participation in all level. Dr. Ahsan Uddin of CGC mentioned that 1990 should not be considered as base year and it is not only the annex 1 developed countries are no more only responsible for high emission, if we consider 2020, we will see that BRICS countries will also be the high emitters. Qumrul Islam Chowdhury of FEJB said that he is participating in UNFCCC adaptation committee, he will emphasize annual adaptation conference, he said that this year in Doha, Bangladesh and other LDC countries should urged for specific allocation in different funds. Golam Rabbani of BCAS/CCDF urged government delegation for more process orientation, active and effective, first they should take the interest of LDCs (Least Developed Countries) and then for country. Dr. Monjurul Hannan Khan criticize dubious role of developed countries in respect of funding in climate adaptation and Green Climate Fund, which is hardly additional and predictable.

As chief guest Dr. Quazi Kholikuzzaman Ahmed said that due to Cancun agreement 14 f clause Bangladesh has the opportunity to raise demand regarding climate migrants’ rights in local, regional and international level. Inclusion of this clause in agreement is one of the achievements of Bangladesh government delegation. He also said that Bangladesh delegation will raise the issue of transparency, accountability and participation of all international climate financing.

In summing up Ziaul Haque Mukta urged government delegation to emphasize five points, (i) enhance ambition from developed countries for second period of Kyoto protocol, (ii) there should be specific commitment on financing during the period of 2013 to 2020, (iii) there should be inclusion of displacement issues in adaptation and loss and damages, (iv) there should be a concrete work plan toward new deal from 2015 and (v) all these have to be looked from equity and justice perspective.

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