No Doha Deal means Accepting Climate Genocide in Poor Countries


Doha, 6th December 2012. Today Bangladeshi CSO climate networks namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CSRL, CFGN, EquityBD and NCCB conducted a press conference in QNCC, Doha where CoP 18 UNFCCC Climate Conference are happening, there are only one day remain to conclude the conference. The civil societies expressed frustration and condemned the attitude of developed countries especially of USA, they ged global leaders to make a deal based on science and consider due compensation as repaying of climate debt, they have also expressed worried as if there are no deals means some how a collapse of multilateralism, meaning accepting climate genocide in poor countries.

The press conference was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, other speakers are Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed of CGC/CSRL, Dr. Abdul Matin of BAPA. Md. Golam Rabbani of CCDF/BCAS read out the press statement on behalf of the group. The group’s press statement title “Polluters, You Can Not Eat Money”. In the statement the group condemned the selfish attitude of developed countries, who repeatedly failed to fulfill commitment. They urged that there should not be any adhoc approach of financing for the period of 2013 to 2020. The group has also urged for decision on drastic emission cut following science based forecast and with the principles of equity and justice, common but differentiate responsibilities and capabilities, not only applicable to developed countries only, should also be applicable to advance developed country too, e.g., to the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries.

In respect of loss and damage discourse in the negotiation process Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed condemned the approach of Developed countries, especially USA who are showing obstinate to accept the proposal of International Compensatory Mechanism. It should be noted that least develop countries trying and arguing for inclusion of climate forced displacement issue too in the process.

Rezaul Karim Chowhdury has mentioned that if there is compromise deal which might be going to be happened in fact, means developed countries strengthening of their own right to giving fire on the houses of poor people in the global south. In fact it will be condemned by everybody in the history.

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