Political Economy of Bali Climate Conference: A Roadmap of Climate Commercialization


booklet-Political_Economy_oThis policy discussion paper has been written based on the key elements of UNFCCC Climate Change Conference held in Bali, Indonesia, December 2007. This policy discussion paper critically reviewed the Bali climate negotiation; intended to provide an insight to the readers, especially developing country’s policy makers, negotiators, on the recent dimension of mitigating climate change impacts. This discussion paper tries to cancel out the concept of ‘climate commercialization’ on which Bali Climate talks eventually rounds, and justifies the urgency of the eduction of green house gases emissions that should be reflected in the post Kyoto global policy regime on climate change. It is expected that this policy iscussion paper will be a useful document for the developing country policy makers, environmental NGOs, CSOs in formulation policies and positions on sustainable development in the context of the climate change negotiation.

The Equity and Justice Working Group sincerely acknowledges the all-out assistance from the Jubilee South- Asia Pacific Movementt on Debt and Development (APMD) that sponsored our participation in the Bali Climate Conference. Equity and Justice Working Group encourages reproduction of all or part of this publication for educational and other non-commercial purposes with simple acknowledgement of the copy write holder.

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