Post 2015 development agenda must embody the principles of Equity and Justice


index_p1Dhaka, 27th August 2013. Today 92 civil society organizations from the Asia Pacific region condemn role of US and other developed countries in pressurizing developing countries of Asia Pacific region to come up with their terms while preparing declaration of Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Post 2015 development agenda. Civil society has urged to take the principles of equity and justice in setting post 2015 development agenda.
In a press statement Asia Pacific civil society has come up with a bold vision for ‘development justice’ in a meeting prior to this Ministerial. Development justice is a framework that addresses the growing inequalities of wealth, of power, of resources, and of opportunities that exist between countries, between rich and poor, and between men and women. It is found on the principles of equality and justice for all, given that vast majority of the peoples of the region suffer from the impacts of climate change, resource grabbing, loss of livelihoods and declining wages even as wealth accumulate among few families and transnational corporations in the advanced economies in the North.
On behalf of the civil society organizations there are 40 civil society representatives participating in the ministerial who came up in front of the UN ESCAP building in Bangkok and stand up for a demonstration. The demonstration was led the group spokesperson Mr. Paul Quintos of IBON International, Philippines. Bangladeshi civil society right activist Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from EquityBD has also participated in the demonstration and the ministerial.

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