Reconsider the relationship and ensure


01Dhaka 10th September 2007 Equity and Justice Working Group (EJWG) has organized a press conference in National Press Club, Dhaka, demanded reconsideration of PSI agreement with IMF mission at present who is visiting Bangladesh. They also demanded transparency of all the agreement with IFIs (international financial institutions) in here. They said, it is due to the credibility and relevance crisis of the IMF globally, to save herself IMF looking for PSI (policy support instrument) agreement with government of Bangladesh, they are desperetly looking for this opportunity in the absence of parliament. On behalf of the group Rezaul Karim Chowdhury read out a written statement and Aminur Rasul, AHM Bazlur Rahman, Sahadat Islam Mintu and Mostafa Kamal Akanda answered different questions of the participants.

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