Thousands to face forced migration in BD due to CC [IFPRI Report 2018]


Up to 200,000 coastal people may be forced to migrate annually to the country’s inland areas to find alternative livelihoods due to climate change induced salinity and sea level rises, according to a new study.
Researchers from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Ohio State University jointly conducted the study examining for the first time the complex relationship between flooding, soil salinity, rural livelihood and migration, along with providing some adaptation strategies.
The study, “Coastal Climate Change, Soil Salinity and Human Migration in Bangladesh” was conducted last year and was based on two different datasets collected in 2003-2011 and 2005-2010. Coauthored by IFPRI’s Valerie Mueller from IFPRI and Joyce Chen from Ohio State University, the study was released yesterday. [Click here full report] [Report Download]

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