Climate justice

Katmandu, Nov 23, 2014: Speakers at a seminar on Sunday said, roles of SAARC countries in the UN process on climate change are not unified. They said, we need unified position from the SAARC countries in negotiation process in the UNFCC because there are other groups like LDC /...
Dhaka, 20th November 2014. Today in a seminar held at Dhaka Reporters Unity organized by six civil society networks and two media networks related to climate change urged government to facilitate a united voice of all stakeholders including of civil societies and media in the CoP (Conference of Parties)...
Dhaka, 15th Nov 2014. Today civil society rights group as Peoples’ SAARC Bangladesh Process has demand to the South Asian leaders on the eve of 18th SAARC summit to be held in Kathmandu during 26th to 28th November, to draw a “Charter on free movement for climate induced migrant”...
Dhaka, 12th Nov 2014. Today People’s SAARC Bangladesh Process Group has organized a seminar title “Alternative People’s Regionalism, SAARC Challenges in Climate Change and Food Secutiry” in Dhaka Reporters Unity. In the seminar civil society rights groups has criticize SAARC inaction in implementation of SAARC climate change Dhaka (2008)...
Dhaka, 9th November: Today six right group networks and two journalist forum on climate change, in a joint press conference held at National Press Club, criticized present Environment Minister’s approach on climate change issues and appeal for Prime Minister’s intervention in respect of preparation for UNFCCC (United Nation Frame...
Dhaka, 16th October 2014: Today thirteen right based civil society organizations led by EquityBD has organized a human chain and rally in front of the National Press Club, Dhaka demanding Government must redirect subsidy to the community-controlled renewable energy sources instead of huge subsidy to fossil fuel projects which...
Dhaka, 21 September 2014: Five climate networks and right based organizations in Dhaka today urged the Prime Minister to take strong position in the UN Climate summit for the climate induced migrants’ rights and other justified issues. They organized a human chain today in front of the national press...
Dhaka, 11th September 2014: Today five rights based civil society climate networks in Bangladesh urge the Prime Minister (PM) of Bangladesh to demand climate forced migrants’ rights and appropriate compensation under the cover of loss & damage discourse in upcoming Climate Change Summit called by UN Secretary General Mr....
Dhaka 19th July 2014. Today eighteen rights based civil society and coastal organizations organized a human chain and rally in front of the National Press Club and criticized government’s silence on the recent coastal catastrophes due to monsoon tidal flood and demanded immediate steps to protect coastal people and...
Dhaka 26th June 2014. Today seven civil society right based networks express concern on the government’s non-allocation in climate fund in the proposed budget of FY 2014-15 and the silence of environment ministry about climate planning and international negotiation process. They said that this approach will give wrong signal...

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Bangladesh should focus on self-dependent climate plan fighting climatic impacts

Dhaka, 05 December 2024.  In a press conference, Civil society organizations (CSOs) has recommended government to look forward with self-dependent climate plan fighting climatic...