Consider Inter-generational Equity and Human Rights for Legally Binding Climate Deal


index_photo_15Lima, 4th December 2014. Today in a press conference held in Lima at media centre, UNFCCC (United Nation Framework Convention for Climate Change) CoP (conference of Parties) 20, civil societies from MVC and LDC have a press conference titled “Expectation from CoP 20 in view of MVC and LDC interest: a civil society perspective”.Civil society leaders from Asia, Africa and Latin America urged government delegates on urgency of climate deal to be legally binding while Super Typhoon Ruby is about to thrash on Philippines.They also draw attention of global leader to consider intergenerational equity ensuring zero percent discount on fossil fuel by respecting human rightsparticularly of ingenious people.

The press conference is moderated by TetetLauron of Ibon International from Philippines whileMrinalKanti Tripura of BIPNetCCBD of Bangldesh, Tania Guillén from Centro Humbold Nicaragua, AshaSitati from Kenya, and a youth activist from Bangladesh Risalat Khan of Avaz, a global campaign organization spoke in the conference.

The press conference is organized by a coordination body of Bangladeshi climate activists and climate alliance namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CDP, CCDF, CPRD, CSRL, BCJF, FEJB and EquityBD in CoP 20 led by Jahangir HossainMasum of CDP and MdShamsuddoha of CPRD at Lima.

Risalat Khan reads out the written press statement on behalf of the group that expressed worried about loose coordination and leadership among the delegation especially amongMVCs and LDCs. Thekey demands in the statement are (i) there must be predictable, adequate and long term climate finance, (ii) Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) must include adaptation along with mitigation and it would be science based mitigation measures for the developed countries as IPCC said, (iii) a draft text and timeline based of climate deal on the road to Paris CoP 21, (iv) new mechanism to address climate induced displacement and loss and damage, (v) meaningful participation of indigenous and women from MVC and LDC in UNFCCC process and (vi) intergenerational equity as the core component of the deal.

MarinalKanti Tripura of BIPNetCCBD and Maleya Foundation of Bangldesh, representing IPCCSD and IIPFCC, demands the recognition of the role of indigenous people in adaptation and mitigation. Risalat Khan, the youth activist from Bangldesh, demandszero percent discount on fossil fuel burning.

TetetLauron remindsthe global delegation about the Super TyphoonHaywanhit Philippines during WarsawClimate Conference (COP 19)and now another typhoon Ruby to landfall during Lima COP 20 are signaling an urgency of legally binding climate deal. She also urged the global leaders, “let there not be anymore climate related death.”

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