Climate justice

Durban, 8th December 2011. Today in a press conference in official premise of UNFCCC CoP 17 six Bangladeshi civil society networks in a press conference commented USA, India and China as climate axis of evil and urged LDC and SIDS country to break the G77 +China group and urged...
Durban 7th December 2011. Today in a seminar at University of Kwan Zulu Natal (UKZN), right civil society leaders like Kumi Naido, Executive Director, Green Peace International; Raja Debasish Roy, Chief Patron of BIPNetCCBD and others mentioned that Issues Climate Induced Migrants are the historical responsibility of the annex...
Durban, 6th December 2011. On 5th December, Bangladesh Minister on Forest and Environment Dr. Hasan Mahmud has visited the photo exhibition stall run by six Bangladeshi civil society organizations (CSO) and six other international networks. The stall has been showing twenty six photos on climate change impacts in water...
Durban, 5th December 2011. Today at CoP 17 media briefing room Kosi Palm, six Bangladeshi civil society climate networks remarked that if the present CoP 17 process delayed in reaching a consensus, then it will be mass killing, as there will be temperature raise will continue and extreme events...
3rd December 2011, Durban. Today in a seminar organized in Durban UNFCCC CoP 17 side event place by six Bangladeshi and another six international civil society networks in a seminar demands a new United Nation protocol for climate induced migrants. The networks are BAPA, BIPNet, CCDF, CSRL, EquityBD, NCCB,...
1st December 2011. Today different rights group’s civil society organizations organized a demonstration in a nearby junction of Durban International Conference Center where UNFCCC Conference of Parties 17 (CoP 17) is being happening. The rights group, demanded World Bank out of climate finance, they also oppose private and corporate...
22 November 2011. Today from a rally held in Dhaka University South Asian civil society leaders demanded compensation for the climate change affected countries from the rich countries that are really responsible for climate changes. They also demanded World Bank to be out of all kind of climate funds....
Dhaka, 16th November 2011. Today in a seminar title “ CoP 17 Durban : Role of Bangladesh In View of People Interest” speakers urged Bangladesh delegation to lead Climate Vulnerable Countries as a separate negotiation group, freeing themselves from the interest of high emitter developing countries like India, China,...
Dhaka, 11th November 2011. Today in a press conference five rights group alliances on the eve of Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), the CVF comprise most vulnerable countries having its third conference in the capital during 13th and 14th November, also be attended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon,...
Dhaka, 1st November 2011. Today in a seminar title “Climate Induce Migrants: A Political and Development Challenge” held at national press club speakers mentioned that a comprehensive assessment and action plan on climate migrant is essential to establish demand on this issue at international level. The seminar was organized...

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