Civil Society Demand Rights for Climate Forced Migrants


Dhaka, 24th November 2012. Today in a press conference, held at national press club seven Bangladeshi civil society climate networks along with 12 international networks has launched a post card campaign contained with 16 human stories and 16 demands related to Rights for Climate Forced Migrants. Organizers said that they will distribute these postcards globally especially among the policy makers who will be participating in Doha climate conference during 26th November to 7th December 2012.

Organizers of the press conference are Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), Bangladesh Indeginious People Network for Climate Change and Bio Diversity (BIPNetCCBD), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Climate Finance Governance Network (CFGN), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change Bangladesh (NCCB). They said they have 12 international civil society networks also expressed soliddarity with them in this campaign, which will also be campaigning in Doha also in their countries on the issue. They are 350.Org from USA; Beyond Copenhagen Collective, Bharitiya Jana Vighaan Jatra (BJVJ) and Parivi all these three organizations from India; Jubilee South Asia Pacific Development Movement (JSAPMDD) and People’s Movement on Climate Change (PMCC) from Philippines; Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) from Kenya, Least Development Country (LDC) Watch from Brussels, South Asian Alliance on Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) from Nepal, and Jubilee Debt Campaign and World Development Movement from UK.

The press conference was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdury of EquityBD, other speakers are Sudipta Chakma of BIPNentCCBD, Zakir Hossain Khan from CFGN, Mizanur Rahman Bijoy of NCCB and Tapahs Chkraborty of CSRL. Main presentation was given by Photographer Din Mohammed Shibly and Independent documentary Filmmaker Barkat Ullah Maruf who has prepared this postcard campaign taking sixteen case stories from sixteen climate hotspots of Bangladesh varied from South west Sathkira to Northern districts Kurigram.

Each of the postcard contain each unique demand and in the back page contain with a short case story of climate migrants. Among the 16 slogans, most popular ones are “1 out of 30 people in globe and 1 out of 7 in Bangladesh will be climate forced migrants in near future”. “Climate forced migrants are not threats, it’s our common but differentiate responsibility”. “Are our cities ready to accommodate climate forced migrants? Is it fair to let them be mere slum dwellers?”. “Allow natural labors to move freely across the borders exactly like the capital and goods”. “High carbon emitting countries must take responsibilities of the climate forced migrants”. “A new UN protocol is needed”. “Consider climate forced migrants as universal natural person”. “Ionospheres are our global public goods”. “Every human being has the equal right to enjoy and protect it. Prepare internal displacement and rehabilitation policy focusing climate forced migrants”. “Women, children and adult are the trapped population in climate hotspots due to climate forced migration”.

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