Developed Countries Should Take Responsibility of Climate Forced Migrants


Doha, Qatar, 30th Nov 2012. Today tweleve International civil society network from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America and 7 Bangladeshi Civil Society network in a jointly organized seminar urged developed country to take responsibility of climate forced migrants, as the developed countries are historically responsible for all climate change and high level of carbon emission. The networks are 350.Org USA, Beyond Copenhagen, Parivi and BJVJ from India, Jubilee Debt Campaign and WDM from UK, PACJA (Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance) from Kenya, PMCC (People’s Movement on Climate Change) and Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement for Debt and Development (JSAPMDD) from Philippines, LDC Watch and SAAPE (South Asian Alliance for Poverty Eradication) from Nepal; BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CFGN, CSRL, EquityBD and NCCB from Bangladesh. The networks has organized the seminar title “Need of a New UN Protocol, Climate Forced Migrants: On the Question of Rights and Responsibilities” at QNCC, in Hall 5 as a side events of CoP 18 UNFCCC Doha climate conference.

The seminar moderated by Dr. Ahsan Uddin, speakers of the seminars are Dr. Tony Trujan from PMCC, Samuel Ogallha from PACJA, Martin Villela from Jubilee South Latin America and Bolivia, Dr. Koko Warner from United Nation University, Dr. Timsina Netra from SAAPE, Soumya Dutta and Sanjay Vahsist from India, Farah Kabir from Action Aid Bangladesh, Dr Atiq Rahman of BCAS, Golam Rabbani of CCDF has given key note presentation. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD has given welcome speech on behalf of organizers and Zakir Hossain Khan of CFGN has given thanks at the end.

Golam Rabbani in his key note presentation given detail forecast estimate of climate forced migrants. He urged delegated to operationalize para 14 (f) of Cancun Agreement which has accepted the issue of climate forced migration.

Dr. Tony Trujan said, there should be new protocol either in UNFCCC or in UN that the cross boarder migration of climate forced migrants have to have a new legal frame work as they have right to live in view of human rights framework. Samuel Ogallah said that Africa is the most impacted continent in the region while it is responsible for only 4 % of carbon emission, as developed countries are responsible for high level of carbon emission and thereby all climate catastrophes and as there are no plan B planet, then they have to take responsibility of climate forced migrants.

Martin Villela said that climate change has already impacted worse that creating migration and other problems in Latin America, during negotiation country delegation must keep in mind the human right principle, so there must be new logic, to live in this earth. Dr, Timsina Netra said that the present capitalist system has plundered the planet and its natural resources, the beneficiary are the developed country, so the system has to be changed and need of a new paradigm of thinking.

Farah Kabir said that developed countries either have to go for drastic emission cut or they have to consider alternative policies for the people who has forced to migrates, she draw attention on gender dimension of climate migrants. Dr. Koko Warner has mentioned about different dimension of climate forced migrants from different continent from her research. Soumaya Dutta has mentioned how climate problems creating migration in India. Dr Atiq Rahman of BCAS mentioned that all the country delegates at the end of the day have to raise the issue of people has the right to move.

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