CVF Urged as Independent Negotiation Group in UNFCCC


Dhaka, 11th November 2011. Today in a press conference five rights group alliances on the eve of Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), the CVF comprise most vulnerable countries having its third conference in the capital during 13th and 14th November, also be attended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, urged that the CVF should emerge as independent negotiation group in UNFCCC, freeing themselves from the interest of G-77 +China. The rights group comprises networks of Bangladesh Indigenous People Network on Climate Change and Biodiversity (BIPNet), Climate Change Development Forum (CCDF), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change Bangladesh (NCCB). The press conference was moderated by Ziaul Hoque Mukta of CSRL, a written statement of the group read out by Dr. Ahsan Uddin of CSRL, others speakers of the press conference were Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, Mizanur Rahamn Bijoy of NCCB and Sudipta Chakma of BIPNet. The expectations was also supported by

The group declared series campaign both in Dhaka and country wide in this relation, there is a post card campaign, a youth rally on 12th Nov., and a human chain in Dhaka and all the coastal districts on 13th for drawing attention of the CVF and also of the UN Secretary General.

In the written statement the group place five major demand which are (i) as G-77 plus China grouping in UNFCCC have not been succeeded to reflect the demand of most vulnerable countries (MVCs) in climate change so the CVF should emerge as independent negotiation group in UNFCCC to reflect demand of the 52 climate vulnerable countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. (ii) they must raise voice that the high emitters developing countries like Brazil, India, Mexico, South Africa should also come under legal binding for mitigation in respect of 2nd commitment period is there is such an agreement in CoP 17 Durban, (iii) CVF must raise the voice to keep the world temperature within 1.5 degree Celsius, and 350 ppm (parts per millions), while developed countries is demanding it to keep in 2 degree Celsius. CVF must give emphasize that 2015 should be the last and peak of year of temperature and emissions, (iv) CVF should demand as our Prime Minister always demanding in different international forum, that there must be a new UN protocol for climate induced migrants to facilitate their resettlement, rehabilitation and re integration, and (v) CVF must be in one voice to demand all climate finance from developed countries should be from public finance and additional to already committed development assistance of 0.7 % of GNI. New levy should be imposed on international aviation and shipping for mobilization climate finance.

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