Lead Climate Vulnerable Countries apart from G 77 + China


Dhaka, 16th November 2011. Today in a seminar title “ CoP 17 Durban : Role of Bangladesh In View of People Interest” speakers urged Bangladesh delegation to lead Climate Vulnerable Countries as a separate negotiation group, freeing themselves from the interest of high emitter developing countries like India, China, Brazil, South Africa and Mexico in fact who are dominating G 77 plus China group. Conference of Parties (CoP) 17 of UNFCCC will be held in Durban during the period of 28th November to 10th December 2011. The seminar has been organized by five climate alliances, namely Bangladesh Proibesh Andolan (BAPA), Bangladesh Indigenous People Network on Climate Change and Biodiversity (BIPNetCCBD), Climate Change and Development Forum (CCDF), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change Bangladesh (NCCB). The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury EquityBD, welcome addressed given by Mizanur Rahman Bijoy of NCCB, key note presentation was given by Sayed Aminul Haque of EquityBD, other major speakers of the seminar was Lt General (Retd) Mahbubur Rahman and Shamsuzzaman Dudu of BNP, Sohrab Ali Sana MP and Member of Parliamentary Standing Committee, Dr. Abdul Matin of BAPA, Golam Rabbani of CCDF, and Progoti Chakma and Mrinal Kanti Tripura of BIPNetCCBD, Tahmina Ali from Article 19, Mohammed Masum of Coastal Development Partnership, Hasan Mehedi of HumanityWatch and Prodip K Roy of On Line Knowledge Society.

In key note paper and also speakers urged for government strong position on following points in negotiation, (i) Leading to establish the Climate Vulnerable Countries (CVF) as separate negotiation group in view of Dhaka Declaration of CVF forum, (ii) demanding allocation of more than 50 % allocation in Green Climate Fund (GCF) for adaptation, while developed countries pressing higher allocation for mitigation, mitigation should be the priority in developed counties (iii) demanding predictable climate financing, and firm commitment for the period of 2012 to 2020 from developed countries, (iv) Saying no to debt burden and double counting in climate financing, (v) all climate financing must be from public finance and must be out of control from international financial institution like World Bank and Asian Development Bank, (vi) demanding 2nd commitment period of Kyoto Protocol or any sort of legal binding agreement, (vii) demanding limit of global temperature of 1.5 point Celsius by 2015, which should be the pick of global temperature raise, delegation should oppose developed country demand of 2 point Celsius raise, which is against scientific prediction. (viii) delegation should also demand no implication of intellectual property right regime in respect of technology transfer for least developed countries, (ix) demand of concrete UN protocol for Climate induced migrants in view of the CVF declaration, (x) government must raise voice to get compensation in using the clause of loss and damage and (xi) there should be a UN Adaptation Center in Bangladesh.

Speakers also urged that there should be a government initiative on comprehensive need assessment and study to strengthen demand and recognition in respect of climate migrant issue, it is also urged that government has to set good examples and images in country or home in respect of climate finance if she want good attention from abroad in this regard.

Press Release [Bangla press] [English Press]

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