Ensure Adequate Finance as their Obligatory Responsibility for MVCs survival


Today November 15 2017, in CoP 23 Global Climate Negotiation in Bonn, Civil Society leaders have meet a press conference and demanded for positive role from developed countries to make the Paris Agreement effective in post 2020 period lowering global temperature. The also demand to ensure pre and post 2020 financial support in paying their obligatory responsibility to survive of MVCs (Most Vulnerable Countries) through adaptation and resilient building.
The Press conference titled “MVC & LDC’s Peoples’ Interest and CoP 23” held at the meeting room 02 in Bonn climate conference center. Dr. Hasan Mahmud (Honorable MP and Chair parliamentary standing Committee on Ministry of Forest & Environment, Bangladesh), Dr Atiq Rahaman (Bangladesh Centre for Advance Study-BCAS), Md. Ziaul Hoque Mukta (Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood-CSRL) from Bangladesh, Mr. Soumya Datta (Energy & Climate Group-India) and Hemantha Withanage (Centre for Environmental Justice) from Sri Lanka have participated. The key note is presented by Aminul Hoque (EquityBD) from Bangladesh.
Presenting of key demand, Aminul Hoque said that the bleak ongoing performance and progress on CoP 23 negotiation is frustrated for us and there have no particular interest especially on long term finance through public sources and ensuring technical support for MVC and LDCs (Least Developed Countries) those are most vulnerable. He condemned developed country Parties for submitting the LDCs draft conclusions to CoP without any discussion and negotiation. Refereeing the above concerns, he asked to develop country parties to play their positive role in achieving the Paris Agreement following the principle of CBDRRC “Common But Differentiate Responsibility and Respected Capacity”.
Mr. Soumya said that making the rulebook on implementing the Paris Agreement is very much inadequate and itself flout. If we want really a transformative changes, the finance is crucial. But the rich countries are playing a dirty game, because the US$100 billion dream is not coming anywhere yet and leveraging the private finance to make burden for MVC & LDCs in the name of climate finance. So it’s better to start repent the financing agreement and its process. The rulebook talks a lot about reporting, verification and review, but these cannot be productive until it owned by the rich countries that finance is really need to lowering global temperature.
Dr. Atiq Rahaman said climate impacts are growing in South Asian countries. In last six month of this year, Bangladesh has faced three consecutive natural disaster and experiencing huge loss and damage on agriculture and now become a food import country. Poor are paying the price and rich are not paying. In the clear evidence on climate impact, Paris Agreement is appeared a loose contract and the rulebook has tried to make effective and we hope that developed countries will do it must to save the earth and people as because leaders are there now.

Dr. Hasan Mahmud said that in fact we are not really satisfied on CoP outcome every year and even we are now struggling to Paris Agreement effective despite as a loose agreement indeed, but honestly said that the progress is not impressive. In case financing, GCF progress is frustrating and less than 10% of fund available for countries but access is very difficult for us those demand for adaptation. Climate induce displacement and migration issue is lost in the climate talk. So voice from the civil society is louder that must be heard by the global leaders and off course create an impact.
Hemantha said that Every time we come to the CoP with lot of hope but back to the home losing all our expectations. In this CoP, we are seeing the rich countries paying a very bad game. In case Loss & Damage financing USA, Australia and European Countries has been oppose many of these action and deferred to 2019. That’s why we worried to suffering with many climatic hazard in South Asian countries. So it needed to immediate decision on financial support under a dedicated financial mechanism for addressing loss and damage. We support Maldives representing AOSIS, calling for operationalizing the WIM so that it fulfills its original vision and delivers for people on the ground.
In moderating the press conference, Mr. Ziaul Haque Mukta said that developed countries has denied the pre 2020 ambition commitment (implementation of 2nd commitment of Kyoto Protocol) and in fact evaded their responsibility that is frustrating. We demand to polluters to reduce their emission immediately.
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