Inclusive Dialogue needed for Country Position in 2018 Facilitative Dialogue and CoP-24


Today November 23 2017, Civil Society leaders have meet a press conference on post CoP 23 latest outcome and urged government to be prepared for next Facilitative Dialogue start in January 2018. They also recommended to present strong historical and current evidence-base context in receiving of global support on MVC’s Issues (Adaptation and Loss & Damage financing) in the discourse of political phase (participation of ministers of the parties) under this Facilitative Dialogue.
The Press conference titled “CoP 23 Outcome: Govt. Must be Prepared with strong evidence-base context for Next Facilitative Dialogue 2018 under CoP 24” held at Dhaka Reporters Unity where Dr. Atiq Rahaman of BCAS (Bangladesh Center for Advance Study), Mr. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury (Forum on Environmental Journalist, Bangladesh-FEJB) and Md. Motahar Hossen (Climate Journalist Forum-CJF) have participated and spoke. Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from EquityBD has moderate the press conference and briefing note on CoP outcome is presented by Aminul Hoque.
Briefing on the CoP outcome, Aminul Hoque said that CoP has made only successful progress especially to design the format and its principle of participation of upcoming Facilitative Dialogue 2018 that created scope for Bangladesh to present the story and build empathy & trust (Ref; CoP 23 official Deceleration, Annex II “Approach Talanoa Dialogue”). So our government should take this opportunities and present strong evidence-base on historical and current context to draw global attention and favor support in Financing and Technologies for MVCs survival through adaptation and resilient building.
Mr. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury said that CoP 23 in fact failure to reach with an appropriate framework for Loss and Damage and financing issues which is long standing issue for MVCs. The latest CoP decision in fact deferred the MVCs interest and expectations. However, we have to do intellectual work with this issue to show the capacity for access in finance and Loss & Damage.
Md. Motahar Hossen said that upcoming Facilitative Dialogue has structured with three generic topics for discourse those are i. Who are we? Ii. Where do we want to go? and iii. How do we get there? So government should prepare accordingly with evidence-base for next CoP, but doing this in prior, inclusive dialogue with different level stakeholder is must at national level developing country position.
Dr. Atiq Rahaman said that this is good to progress made in CoP 23 on agriculture and gender action but less progress in global issues like temperature goal. This is also good sign that Bangladesh has re-elected four working group in CoP. Next facilitative dialogue is a chance for BD to get effective result and further need to work intensively.
Rezaul Karim Chowdhury said that Bangladesh has been participating in CoP but less preparation officially. This has been observing since last couple of years where it’s difficult to assess country position and also difficult for CSOs to paly appropriate pro-government role in CoP. Less coordination between govt. delegation and Bangladeshi CSOs also now wider. So we urge to govt. to look on this issue giving very importance for next CoP-24. Apart govt. should ensure accountability of those are participating in CoP holding govt. delegation badge but didn’t play any contribution for govt.
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