Shun Differences, Adopt Second Kyoto Protocol


Doha, Qatar, 3rd December 2012. Today seven Bangladeshi civil society networks (BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CSRL, CFGN, EquityBD and NCCB) have organized a press conference in Qatar National Convention Center where UNFCC CoP 18 Climate Conference is happening. They have urged developed countries to take historical responsibilities and to endorse emission reduction and adopt a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) to be implemented from 1st January 2013.

The press conference was moderated by Ziaul Hoque Mukta, key note paper was read out by Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed, and other speakers are M Zakir Hossain Khan and Mizanur Rahman Bijoy.

In the key note paper the alliance has placed major demands, (i) countries who has already pulled out, should brought in the board of KP, now KP cover mere one eight of global green house gas emission, (ii) BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) country must consider their equity demand should comply holistic approach of justice, (iii) Increasing of public finance substantially with a clear road map for the period of 2013 to 2020 for the GCF (Green Climate Fund) and other fund, so that it will reach $ 100 per billion per year from 2020, (iv) resolving technology transfer and intellectual property right issues for the interest of LDCs and (v) take action under Cancun Agreement framework in including climate migrants issues, especially in Loss and Damage discourse.

Ziaul Haque Mutka said developed countries must strive to shun differences rather then creating it; they must not create space to collapse of multilateral system, which might create unexpected political and social implications.

Zakir Hossain Khan said that, there must be a clear transparency in funding, develop country must commit to LDC’s demand of $ 60 billion for the period of 2013 to 2015.

Mizanur Rahman Bijoy expressed on concern on progress of Loss and Damage discourse in CoP 18 process, he urged countries to include climate migrant’s issues and compensatory mechanism in the process. Their must be upholding of the interest of climate vulnerable countries.

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